Home / Georgia / Josh McKoon Should Resign

Josh McKoon Should Resign

Sub­mit­ted by Loy­al View­er from Union Coun­ty

Josh McK­oon ful­ly sup­ports Bri­an Kemp. Kemp has shown very lit­tle, if any, sup­port for Trump since he got elect­ed as Gov­er­nor. McK­oon can­not say any­thing neg­a­tive about Kemp or he will lose his job. Why? Because he was appoint­ed Gen­er­al Coun­sel for the Tech­ni­cal Col­lege Sys­tem of Geor­gia and there­fore rep­re­sents the gov­er­nor in the capac­i­ty of an attor­ney, and as his attor­ney, he has a spe­cial oblig­a­tion to the gov­er­nor.

And then there is his wife, Jacque­line McK­oon — Pres­i­dent of Con­sti­tute Con­nect LLC., polit­i­cal con­sul­tants. Clients include:

  • Friends of Sta­cy Abrams, Inc. — Paid $5,000 on 08/14/2015 for a year’s basic annu­al pack­age;
  • Geor­gia Next, Inc., paid $2,174 on 07/26/2015 and paid $3,335 on 07/29/2015;
  • George Soros donat­ed $500k to GA Next (report­ed by Atlanta Mag­a­zine on Nov. 30, 2015);
  • and three oth­er clients were a State Demo­c­rat Sen­a­tor, and two State Demo­c­rat Rep­re­sen­ta­tives.

Kemp can’t stand Bri­an Prichard announc­ing 5 days a week on his broad­cast that Pritchard is a sup­port­er of Trump, and that the elec­tion of 2020 was stolen. Kemp signed an affi­davit say­ing that the elec­tion was legit­i­mate when he KNEW that it wasn't and there­fore is sub­ject to dai­ly expo­sure by Pritchard.

McK­oon says that “Pritchard res­ig­na­tion will allow us to focus all of our time, atten­tion, and resources on elect­ing Pres­i­dent Trump and end­ing the evil Willis pros­e­cu­tion.” Is there any­thing Pritchard has done, since We The Peo­ple elect­ed him as First Vice Chair, that war­rants his removal? Pritchard starts each and every one of his shows with the dec­la­ra­tion that he is a Trump sup­port­er, and has con­sis­tent­ly advo­cat­ed on his broad­casts that Willis must go. Pritchard has also been to sev­er­al Trump ral­lies. Has McK­oon or Kemp been to a Trump ral­ly? And Kem­p’s wife, Mar­ty, said that she would not vote for Trump. Pritchard sup­ports Don­ald Trump in 2024 and main­tains that Don­ald Trump won the 2020 elec­tion, and Pritchard was elect­ed to his posi­tion as 1st Vice Chair because he said Trump won, and that elec­tion integri­ty need­ed to be restored in Geor­gia. So how
does remov­ing Pritchard, one of the great­est assets the GA GOP has, accom­plish the goals of elect­ing Trump and remov­ing Fan­ni Willis? Is it because Pritchard is not a part of the GPR Inc.?

Why did Kemp NOT attand the State Con­ven­tion last year? Could it be that he recent­ly told his elite con­trib­u­tors, We can no longer rely on the tra­di­tion­al par­ty infra­struc­ture to win in the future. So instead of sup­port­ing Trump, McK­oon and Kemp are try­ing to keep Trump off of the bal­lot. One of the ways this is being done by using the ille­gal cor­po­ra­tion known as the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, Inc. Geor­gia law, GA Code 2–21-110© Pro­hibits decep­tive­ly sim­i­lar names. So that is one way that the GRP, Inc. is ille­gal. Anoth­er way is that the cor­po­ra­tion ille­gal­ly trans­ferred the tax ID of the GA GOP to the ille­gal cor­po­ra­tion. There is no GA law that empow­ers a cor­po­ra­tion to become a polit­i­cal par­ty, nor a polit­i­cal par­ty to become a cor­po­ra­tion, there­fore, the
GRP, Inc. is an ille­gal enti­ty. You will not find any pow­ers for a cor­po­ra­tion to nom­i­nate can­di­dates for pub­lic office, there­fore the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty can sue to dis­qual­i­fy any repub­li­can can­di­date on the bal­lot, includ­ing Trump. It looks like McK­oon is the one
who is hin­der­ing Trump from get­ting elect­ed.

McK­oon can’t please Kemp as long as We The Peo­ple have peo­ple like Pritchard (and David Cross), that are doing the will of We The Peo­ple. Since McK­oon rep­re­sents Kemp, and not We The Peo­ple, HE SHOULD RESIGN!!!!

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