Josh McKoon Should Resign
Submitted by Loyal Viewer from Union County
Josh McKoon fully supports Brian Kemp. Kemp has shown very little, if any, support for Trump since he got elected as Governor. McKoon cannot say anything negative about Kemp or he will lose his job. Why? Because he was appointed General Counsel for the Technical College System of Georgia and therefore represents the governor in the capacity of an attorney, and as his attorney, he has a special obligation to the governor.
And then there is his wife, Jacqueline McKoon — President of Constitute Connect LLC., political consultants. Clients include:
- Friends of Stacy Abrams, Inc. — Paid $5,000 on 08/14/2015 for a year’s basic annual package;
- Georgia Next, Inc., paid $2,174 on 07/26/2015 and paid $3,335 on 07/29/2015;
- George Soros donated $500k to GA Next (reported by Atlanta Magazine on Nov. 30, 2015);
- and three other clients were a State Democrat Senator, and two State Democrat Representatives.
Kemp can’t stand Brian Prichard announcing 5 days a week on his broadcast that Pritchard is a supporter of Trump, and that the election of 2020 was stolen. Kemp signed an affidavit saying that the election was legitimate when he KNEW that it wasn't and therefore is subject to daily exposure by Pritchard.
McKoon says that “Pritchard resignation will allow us to focus all of our time, attention, and resources on electing President Trump and ending the evil Willis prosecution.” Is there anything Pritchard has done, since We The People elected him as First Vice Chair, that warrants his removal? Pritchard starts each and every one of his shows with the declaration that he is a Trump supporter, and has consistently advocated on his broadcasts that Willis must go. Pritchard has also been to several Trump rallies. Has McKoon or Kemp been to a Trump rally? And Kemp’s wife, Marty, said that she would not vote for Trump. Pritchard supports Donald Trump in 2024 and maintains that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, and Pritchard was elected to his position as 1st Vice Chair because he said Trump won, and that election integrity needed to be restored in Georgia. So how
does removing Pritchard, one of the greatest assets the GA GOP has, accomplish the goals of electing Trump and removing Fanni Willis? Is it because Pritchard is not a part of the GPR Inc.?
Why did Kemp NOT attand the State Convention last year? Could it be that he recently told his elite contributors, We can no longer rely on the traditional party infrastructure to win in the future. So instead of supporting Trump, McKoon and Kemp are trying to keep Trump off of the ballot. One of the ways this is being done by using the illegal corporation known as the Georgia Republican Party, Inc. Georgia law, GA Code 2–21-110© Prohibits deceptively similar names. So that is one way that the GRP, Inc. is illegal. Another way is that the corporation illegally transferred the tax ID of the GA GOP to the illegal corporation. There is no GA law that empowers a corporation to become a political party, nor a political party to become a corporation, therefore, the
GRP, Inc. is an illegal entity. You will not find any powers for a corporation to nominate candidates for public office, therefore the Democratic Party can sue to disqualify any republican candidate on the ballot, including Trump. It looks like McKoon is the one
who is hindering Trump from getting elected.
McKoon can’t please Kemp as long as We The People have people like Pritchard (and David Cross), that are doing the will of We The People. Since McKoon represents Kemp, and not We The People, HE SHOULD RESIGN!!!!