OPINION: Oh My God, What We Dont Know Yet!
Submitted by George McClellan
Soon as Joe Biden announced his candidacy for a second term, an early jump into the fray doubtless with the aim of pardoning his son Hunter from the inevitable RiCO criminal charges that promise to envelope him as well as the entire Biden clan, his collapsing poll numbers tell Joe he was in trouble. His popularity was tanking and his chances against Trump, save a concerted effort by the Left to continue corrupting the election process, Joe would be better served retiring to a senior center somewhere and spend his time playing Bingo and cards with his fellows. He could tell em his many stories too.
Yet still, the Progressive Radical Left insists of supporting the unsupportable by framing Donald Trumps candidacy as the second coming of Satan. Yet, look at the record. Trump promised to protect our border, return manufacturing to America, reduce our dependence on China for junk and Saudi Arabia for oil, create employment for all without affirmative action policies that alter the balance and, well he did all that and more. Joe couldnt wait to destroy it all.
Biden on the other hand, empowers China to secretly undermine America, (theyve paid him millions for the privilege), by opening the border not only for millions of peasant illegals, but also for Chineses agents of military age to enter the US, and lie in wait for America and China to enter a shooting war so as saboteurs, they can attack our power, water, highway, and food production systems to complete Americas collapse from inside. It is no secret but not publicly known generally, that in May 2019, the Chinese Communist Party declared war on America, not with guns, yet, but by political subterfuge, economic infiltration, and meddling generally with our means of agriculture. Do we possibly think the recent explosions, fires and airplane crashes into our food production facilities were mere accidents, or the gun attacks against electric transformer stations were just children playing with .22s? Not a chance!
In my Cold War CE/CI days, we believed the motto: The first time something happens, well, that can be an accident. The second time it happens, that could be a coincidence, but the third time is enemy action. The Chinese have already started their war against America. Consider these facts: China has been purchasing American farmland and means of food production facilities. This should give us pause. In North Dakota, they purchased a farm near an USAF Base we assume is for purposes of espionage and data gathering. But, why spend that kind of money when they have balloons? Among their sly motives for doing this is to introduce invasive species into our agricultural systems. In Oklahoma, a China purchased plot of land has been enclosed by security fences and is constantly patrolled by sub-machine gun bearing security people. Why, whats going on there? Is that land designated as a place for the Chinese Secret police to inter the non communist Chinese citizens theyve been spying on in NY and other American cities? If not, what is their purpose of being there? It cant be good for America. For what possible purpose does Joe Biden’s government permit China to occupy our farm land? Because Joe lets em! China wont permit our military to purchase land anywhere in China let alone near a military installation. Thirty four officers from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, thought to be living in China, were charged with setting up thousands of phony social media accounts to harass dissidents living outside of China. The Chinese police job here was to follow up personally and induce dissidents by threats to either shut up or return home.
Any foreign force like this Chinese secret police lot, that enters our country and feels free to open an office and use social media to spread CCP propaganda about human rights in Hong Kong, Black Lives Matter protests in the United States and the war in Ukraine even, and does so without impunity, labors under the protection of Joe Biden and his control masters. The recent report of the FBI taking down a CCP police station in NYC is a show for public consumption. The FBI arrested two, not all of em. Anything the FBI or DoJ report out to the public, can be considered suspect if not altogether untrustworthy.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get em! (30Apr23)