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OPINION: Oh My God, What We Don’t Know Yet!


Sub­mit­ted by George McClellan

Soon as Joe Biden announced his can­di­da­cy for a sec­ond term, an ear­ly jump into the fray doubt­less with the aim of par­don­ing his son Hunter from the inevitable RiCO crim­i­nal charges that promise to enve­lope him as well as the entire Biden clan, his col­laps­ing poll num­bers tell  Joe he was in trou­ble. His pop­u­lar­i­ty was tank­ing and his chances against Trump, save a con­cert­ed effort by the Left to con­tin­ue cor­rupt­ing the elec­tion process, Joe would be bet­ter served retir­ing to a senior cen­ter some­where and spend his time play­ing Bin­go and cards with his fel­lows. He could tell ‘em his many sto­ries too.

Yet still, the Pro­gres­sive Rad­i­cal Left insists of sup­port­ing the unsup­port­able by fram­ing Don­ald Trumps can­di­da­cy as the sec­ond com­ing of Satan. Yet, look at the record. Trump promised to pro­tect our bor­der, return man­u­fac­tur­ing to Amer­i­ca, reduce our depen­dence on Chi­na for junk and Sau­di Ara­bia for oil, cre­ate employ­ment for all with­out affir­ma­tive action poli­cies that alter the bal­ance and, well he did all that and more. Joe couldn’t wait to destroy it all.

Biden on the oth­er hand, empow­ers Chi­na to secret­ly under­mine Amer­i­ca, (they’ve paid him mil­lions for the priv­i­lege), by open­ing the bor­der not only for mil­lions of peas­ant ille­gals, but also for Chi­ne­ses agents of mil­i­tary age to enter the US, and lie in wait for Amer­i­ca and Chi­na to enter a shoot­ing war so as sabo­teurs, they can attack our pow­er, water, high­way, and food pro­duc­tion sys­tems to com­plete America’s col­lapse from inside. It is no secret but not pub­licly known gen­er­al­ly, that in May 2019, the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty declared war on Amer­i­ca, not with guns, yet, but by polit­i­cal sub­terfuge, eco­nom­ic infil­tra­tion, and med­dling gen­er­al­ly with our means of agri­cul­ture. Do we pos­si­bly think the recent explo­sions, fires and air­plane crash­es into our food pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties were mere acci­dents, or the gun attacks against elec­tric trans­former sta­tions were just chil­dren play­ing with .22s? Not a chance!

In my Cold War CE/CI days, we believed the mot­to: “The first time some­thing hap­pens, well, that can be an acci­dent. The sec­ond time it hap­pens, that could be a coin­ci­dence, but the third time is ene­my action.” The Chi­nese have already start­ed their war against Amer­i­ca. Con­sid­er these facts: Chi­na has been pur­chas­ing Amer­i­can farm­land and means of food pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties. This should give us pause. In North Dako­ta, they pur­chased a farm near an USAF Base we assume is for pur­pos­es of espi­onage and data gath­er­ing. But, why spend that kind of mon­ey when they have bal­loons? Among their sly motives for doing this is to intro­duce inva­sive species into our agri­cul­tur­al sys­tems. In Okla­homa, a Chi­na pur­chased plot of land has been enclosed by secu­ri­ty fences and is con­stant­ly patrolled by sub-machine gun bear­ing secu­ri­ty peo­ple. Why, what’s going on there? Is that land des­ig­nat­ed as a place for the Chi­nese Secret police to inter the non com­mu­nist Chi­nese cit­i­zens they’ve been spy­ing on in NY and oth­er Amer­i­can cities? If not, what is their pur­pose of being there? It can’t be good for Amer­i­ca. For what pos­si­ble pur­pose does Joe Biden’s gov­ern­ment per­mit Chi­na to occu­py our farm land? Because Joe lets ‘em! Chi­na won’t per­mit our mil­i­tary to pur­chase land any­where in Chi­na let alone near a mil­i­tary instal­la­tion. Thir­ty four offi­cers from the Chi­nese Min­istry of Pub­lic Secu­ri­ty, thought to be liv­ing in Chi­na, were charged with set­ting up thou­sands of pho­ny social media accounts to harass dis­si­dents liv­ing out­side of Chi­na. The Chi­nese police job here was to fol­low up per­son­al­ly and induce dis­si­dents by threats to either shut up or return home.

Any for­eign force like this Chi­nese secret police lot, that enters our coun­try and feels free to open an office and use social media to spread CCP pro­pa­gan­da about human rights in Hong Kong, Black Lives Mat­ter protests in the Unit­ed States and the war in Ukraine even, and does so with­out impuni­ty, labors under the pro­tec­tion of Joe Biden and his con­trol mas­ters. The recent report of the FBI tak­ing down a CCP police sta­tion in NYC is a show for pub­lic con­sump­tion. The FBI arrest­ed two, not all of ‘em. Any­thing the FBI or DoJ report out to the pub­lic, can be con­sid­ered sus­pect if not alto­geth­er untrustworthy.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (30Apr23)

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