Home / News/ OPINION: Saving NeoConservativism? Time To Get Prepared

OPINION: Saving NeoConservativism? Time To Get Prepared

Sub­mit­ted by: George McClel­lan

Repub­li­cans who are not meld­ed to RiNO­ism or Trump Dys­func­tion Syn­drome, that would be most of us, are fac­ing a prob­lem for which we must be pre­pared to resist. It is the renewed attempt to revive the GOP as neocon­ser­v­a­tive. Even nev­er Trumper John Kasich, for­mer Gov­er­nor of some­place, Con­gress­man and RiNO politi­cian with­out port­fo­lio, has been test­ing the waters with his anti-Trump screed think­ing per­haps he might have anoth­er bite of the apple. Some alleged­ly con­ser­v­a­tive media out­lets are sub­tly align­ing them­selves against Trumps reelec­tion even before he offi­cial­ly announces that he wants anoth­er term to fin­ish the job that was so rude­ly inter­rupt­ed by the evil orga­nized forces against vot­er integri­ty. Out­spo­ken Repub­li­cans who lined up against Don­ald Trump, are already feel­ing the brunt of change by Amer­i­cans fed up with the elite polit­i­cal BS that is drag­ging us down to the pits.

For exam­ple, the open­ing para­graph of an arti­cle from theproudrepublic.com” site says:

The damming rev­e­la­tions about for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trumps actions dur­ing the Capi­tol riot that emerged from the Jan. 6 Select Com­mit­tees pub­lic hear­ings have made more Repub­li­can Sen­a­tors skep­ti­cal of Trumps polit­i­cal future. Specif­i­cal­ly, a group in the GOP has become wary of the for­mer Pres­i­dent becom­ing the GOPs 2024 nom­i­nee or even run­ning for anoth­er term as Pres­i­dent. One Sen­a­tor, pre­fer­ring to remain anony­mous to speak freely on the sub­ject point­ed to the cas­cade of embar­rass­ing details about Trumps con­duct lead­ing up to and on Jan. 6, not­ing it would undoubt­ed­ly taint his polit­i­cal via­bil­i­ty ahead of 2024.

Can any­one point to a cas­cade of embar­rass­ing details about Trump’s con­duct that has­nt already been hashed over? But, they nev­er speak of Trump’s busi­ness acu­men that made Amer­i­ca Great despite the lies, attacks and tri­als the Democ­rats threw at him. First of all, there has been no new damn­ing evi­dence pro­duced by Pelo­sis cor­rupt 6 Jan Com­mit­tee. If GOP sen­a­tors, as the arti­cle states, has become wary of Trumps attempt­ing anoth­er run, its only a few RiNOs, like Utahs Mitt Rom­ney. The smart ones, even if they dont like Don­ald Trump, will keep their mouths shut because the peo­ple do want Trump back! But the crescen­do ris­es with these words, turn­ing to the dis­cred­it­ed claims of for­mer White House aide Cas­sidy Hutchin­son, the anony­mous Sen­a­tor said: I dont think hell run again, and thats a good thing, because of the whole cas­cade of events. The Sen­a­tor also opined: they werent alone in their desire for the for­mer Pres­i­dent not to run in 2024, say­ing only one Sen­a­tor was sup­port­ing a Trump re-elec­tion bid. I could count on one hand the num­ber of Repub­li­can sen­a­tors who want Don­ald Trump to be our nom­i­nee. Neo­con­ser­vatism any­one?

Mitch McConnell said Trump would face a crowd­ed field in his bid for Pres­i­dent, allud­ing to the par­ty dis­tanc­ing itself from Trump as its fron­trun­ner. Who, except pos­si­bly Flori­da Gov­er­nor Ron DeSan­tis could real­ly qual­i­fy, John Kasich? I dont thinks so. Sen­ate Minor­i­ty Whip John Thune observed: Trump would face robust com­pe­ti­tion for a bid to reclaim the GOP nom­i­na­tion. Robust com­pe­ti­tion? They dont seem to remem­ber how Trump swept all before him at the GOP Debates. Now that was Robust! Anoth­er head­line arti­cle from the Proud Repub­lic site sug­gest­ed: Trump Ignores Warn­ing, Con­tin­ues Risky Behav­ior, while they smear by innu­en­do Trump’s for­mer Chief of Staff, Mark Mead­ows. Don­ald Trump does not accept advice from thinkers who oper­ate at the Nev­er Trump lev­el. He sim­ply wont! Mead­ows Attor­ney George Ter­williger, dis­missed it all with these wise words: idle and unin­formed spec­u­la­tion, appar­ent­ly by peo­ple that know lit­tle but talk a lot. And so too, we should not be dis­tract­ed by the RiNO and media attacks against Don­ald Trump com­ing our way but we must be pre­pared to resist such fool­ish­ness and fight back.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get pre­pared! (07Aug22)

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