BPK Politics

Weekdays at 8am on VoiceofRuralAmerica.com

Start your morn­ings with BKP Pol­i­tics, where BKP brings decades of expe­ri­ence ana­lyz­ing lega­cy media. He cuts through the noise and trans­lates the nar­ra­tive for con­ser­v­a­tives, orf­fer­ing a per­spec­tive you won’t find else­where.

BKP deliv­ers Truth In Pol­i­tics, cov­er­ing sto­ries that are often ignored or mis­re­port­ed by main­stream media. Tune in for hon­est, straight­for­ward news and analy­sis every morn­ing at 8am.

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