Bruce Thompson-Candidate for Labor Commissioner joins the Lori Duke Show to talk Campaign, Why Running, Background, Small Business Owners, Republicans in Control, Fiscal Responsibility, and much more! For more information.
(R) Bonnie Rich-Candidate for Ga HD 100 joins #BKP Politics to talk Campaign, Why Running, Redistricting, Elections, Republican Chair Responsibilities, Accomplishments, Constitutional Carry, Election Integrity, Protecting Our Children, Voters, Tax.

Tripp Arrowood joins the Lori Duke Show to talk Why Running, Campaign, School Systems, Home Grown, Faith, Getting Involved and much more! For more information contact Tripp on Facebook, or.
(R) Jeanne Seaver-Candidate Ga Lt Governor joins #BKP Politics to talk Campaign, Why Running, Candidates, Debates, Drop Boxes, SB202, Voters, and much more! For more information visit

Mike Coan-Candidate for Labor Commissioner joins the Lori Duke Show to talk Campaign, Why Running, Challenges, Leadership, Labor Shortages, Unemployment Challenges and much more! For more information visit
(R) Jim Coles-Ga Rep District 2 Candidate Joins #BKP Politics to talk Campaign, Why Running, Candidates, 2020 Election, Fraud, State Legislature, Covid, Trump, HB1013, MentalHealth, Government Overreach, Changes if Elected,.