
#BKP talks about why Gas is going thru the roof. Six years ago five Dallas officers were killed at an BLM rally in Dallas Texas and does Biden really have a 60 percent approval rating? [arve url="" title="You tube blocks FYN and de-monetizing " loop="no"...
#BKP discusses ransom wear and what Russian said Biden was as sharp as an tac? Days later America gets hit with an Cyber Attack from Russia. Coincidence? Gettr, a new social media platform, and #BKP closes the day with some discussion over Critical Race Theory...

#BKP goes to Woodstock. He discuss all the greatness that took place at this political event and 4th of July Parade   [arve url="" title="#BKP Goes to Woodstock" loop="no" muted="no".

#BKP has questions for the media. We celebrated Independence day in true fashion, but the media and the networks aren't reporting it, why not? Also, He will discuss Biden "your resident".
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