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Vernon Jones feels welcomed by the Republican party

ELLIJAY, Ga Guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date Ver­non Jones ® attend­ed and spoke at the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Con­ven­tion over the week­end.

Jones, for­mer Demo­c­rat turned Repub­li­can, con­tin­ued to make his case against Gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp ® and that Geor­gians need a real leader.

He added that peo­ple out­side of the GOP estab­lish­ment were quick to wel­come him over from the Demo­c­rat Par­ty. Jones believes hes the per­son to grow the Repub­li­can par­ty by bring­ing in peo­ple who had­nt pre­vi­ous­ly vot­ed for the GOP, such as con­ser­v­a­tive minori­ties and young peo­ple.

Ive been con­ser­v­a­tive all my life, more con­ser­v­a­tive than a lot of Repub­li­cans I served with­in the state leg­is­la­ture, Jones stat­ed. Ive been a leg­is­la­ture longer than Bri­an. Ive been a chief exec­u­tive longer than Bri­an. My expe­ri­ence stacks right there with him.

Jones said hes hap­py for peo­ple to vet his qual­i­fi­ca­tions for the role and cit­ed his record on cut­ting tax­es, man­ag­ing police, water/sewer, and trans­porta­tion depart­ments, air­ports, more than 8,000 employ­ees, and bud­gets. Hes also over­seen an elec­tion office on the local lev­el

Ive been an exec­u­tive for eight years. Bri­ans been an exec­u­tive for four years, Jones remarked. Ive been bat­tle-test­ed.

As for the mon­ey to run statewide, Jones did­nt appear con­cerned about Kemps cam­paign war chest. Hed rather run a grass­roots cam­paign because he has the lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence to back it up on the state and fed­er­al lev­els.

If you could­nt trust the Gov­er­nor in 2020, how can you trust him in 2022, more impor­tant­ly in 2024, Jones com­ment­ed before piv­ot­ing to his record for stump­ing Trump in 2020 and his vocal sup­port for an elec­tion integri­ty inves­ti­ga­tion.

He con­tin­ued to hit hard at Kemp, flat out stay­ing the incum­bent is in trou­ble with the peo­ple in Geor­gia. Kemp was met with boos and cheers dur­ing his speech at the con­ven­tion. How­ev­er, Kemps also bounced back with some Repub­li­cans fol­low­ing SB 202.

Jones does­nt believe any­thing Kemp has done since the 2020 elec­tion will ulti­mate­ly save him in 2022.

We cant have some­body who wants to talk like DeSan­tis and then walk like Mitt Rom­ney, Jones mocked Kemp before adding he can bring the true con­ser­v­a­tive lead­er­ship.

Jones likes to claim hes the only one who can beat Stacey Abrams (D), who is just to enter the race. Kemp recent­ly chal­lenged that stat­ing hes the only per­son who has actu­al­ly beat the Demo­c­rat pow­er­house.


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