Home / Shows / Gilmer Sheriff Stacy Nicholson talks drugs in rural Georgia

Gilmer Sheriff Stacy Nicholson talks drugs in rural Georgia

After releas­ing infor­ma­tion about the drug arrests that his coun­ty has made in the first six months of 2021, Gilmer Sher­iff Sta­cy Nichol­son joins #BKP to talk about the increas­ing amounts of drugs in rur­al coun­ties in Geor­gia. He also talks about the type of Meth he has been see­ing, sourced out of Mex­i­co. Is the bor­der cri­sis caus­ing this influx? Is the open bor­der allow­ing Car­tels free import­ing of drugs into Amer­i­ca?

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