Home / News / D.A. King Discusses the Continuing Rising Numbers of Unaccompanied Minors Crossing the Border

D.A. King Discusses the Continuing Rising Numbers of Unaccompanied Minors Crossing the Border

D.A. King joins #BKP for his week­ly seg­ment to dis­cuss cur­rent ille­gal aliens in Geor­gia and through­out the Unit­ed States. New num­bers indi­cate that thou­sands of unac­com­pa­nied minors are mak­ing their way through Cen­tral Amer­i­ca to cross the bor­der. What are the con­se­quences of this for the chil­dren and what impact does this have on the Unit­ed States? Tune in to hear D.A.‘s expert opin­ion on the mat­ter!


  1. Your inter­views are to the point & clear­ly express how I feel about the events here in GA. & nation­al­ly. After lis­ten­ing to Kelvin King, I will sup­port him.Vernon has my com­plete sup­port. As a senior on a pen­sion school tax­es are through the roof in Gwin­nett. Like Rick Wiles says the Zion­ists have con­trol of all aspects of gov­ern­ment. Chris­tians are the tar­get.
    Thanks again for your insight.

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