Home / News / #BKP discusses Biden talking gas prices, and Joe Manchin on “Inflation Tax”!#BKP discusses Biden talking gas prices, and Joe Manchin on “Inflation Tax”!#BKP discusses Biden talking gas prices, and Joe Manchin on “Inflation Tax”! Biden, BKP, FetchYourNews, FYNTV, Gas, InflationTax, JoeManchin, Prices, Voice of Rural America, VORA Post navigation Prev PostLori discusses how lucky we all are to be American’s! Next Post#BKP discusses VoterGA.org open records request, and threats made to republicans backing Biden bill.You May Also Like Did Biden Pull A Move On The Whole Union Thing? Kamala Has A Problem With White Men, White Women, And Black Voters Being Dependent On The Government, Not Our Neighbors