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Letter to the Editor

Dear Sen­a­tor Manchin,

I have just about decid­ed that you are the most intel­li­gent per­son in Wash­ing­ton, DC and I want to thank you for stand­ing up for AMERICA and vot­ing against BBB, the biggest tax grab from the aver­age cit­i­zen ever cre­at­ed!

I am sor­ry that I can­not vote for you as I do not live in West Vir­ginia. But as a con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­can I will do what­ev­er I can to help you get re-elect­ed although I am sure that will not be a prob­lem in West Vir­ginia.

Also, Thank you from my chil­dren and grand­chil­dren. I do not under­stand why no one else in Con­gress seems to under­stand the per­il we are fac­ing with our enor­mous and unsus­tain­able debt. Tech­ni­cal­ly we have already become a third world coun­try. We do not man­u­fac­ture enough goods to sus­tain our­selves if the rest of the world cut us off and because Con­gress let the Pres­i­dent shut down the Key­stone Pipeline and oth­er sources of fos­sil fuels we are no longer ener­gy inde­pen­dent. We are only still able to func­tion because we can still print mon­ey that is accept­ed by the rest of the world. But should they deval­ue our cur­ren­cy, print­ing more mon­ey would be like Venezuela or Greece or Italy or any of the oth­er social­ist coun­tries that took away the will of the peo­ple to work, a loaf of bread will be $20.

Again, thank you from the bot­tom of my heart. I am on an inter­net news show on Fri­day morn­ings on the Voice of Rur­al Amer­i­ca. And even though I am in a 80% Repub­li­can Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict I sing your prais­es each week.

Joene DePlancke

Elli­jay, Geor­gia

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