Home / News / Part 1. #BKP Asks why did Biden stand back and watch Putin Invade Ukraine killing innocent people.

Part 1. #BKP Asks why did Biden stand back and watch Putin Invade Ukraine killing innocent people.

Why did the world stand back and watch back and watch Putin invade Ukraine killing inno­cent women and chil­dren when this could have been pre­vent­ed? Now that the war has start­ed Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Zelen­skyy is being treat­ed like the next Win­ston Churchill? Zelen­skyy makes demands and Biden jumps could Zelen­sky and Putin have some­thing on Biden, Hunter, Hillary.. Why has Joe been sum­moned to Brus­sels and what does all of this got to do with the Penn­syl­va­nia Sen­ate Race with Dave McCormick and Dr. OZ?

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