Home / News / Lori discusses Supreme Court Nominee not being able to define what a Woman is!Lori discusses Supreme Court Nominee not being able to define what a Woman is!Lori discusses Supreme Court Nominee not being able to define what a Woman is! Able, Court, Define, FetchYourNews, FYNTV, Is, LoriDukeShow, Nominee, Not, Supreme, Voice of Rural America, VORA, What, Woman Post navigation Prev PostJosh Clark-US Senate candidate Joins The Lori Duke Show! Next Post#BKP discusses Biden in Brussels, Putin has cards to play, Allies, and more!You May Also Like Did MTG Tell MSNBC That Laura Was On Trump Force One? Trump Told You To Go Look At Springfield And Aurora Trump Told The Truth, In 8 States There Is No Defined Limit For Abortion