Home / News / BKP talks about GA poll, 2024, January 6 committee and more

BKP talks about GA poll, 2024, January 6 committee and more

The GA gov­er­nor’s poll shows Kemp and Abrams are tied. Warnock over Walk­er by 10 points.

Will Joe run in 2024?

The Mike Pence side feels invig­o­rat­ed. They have a new life. We talk about all of Trump’s accom­plish­ments in the White House. If Trump does not run and Pence runs, he will run on the accom­plish­ments of the admin­is­tra­tion. Mike Pence is pre­pared to tell you that Trump did­nt know how to do this and that, but he did.

June is now pro-life month, not pride month

Cipol­lone said if you want to talk to me you have to sub­poe­na me. The com­mit­tee will try to sep­a­rate Trump from the exec­u­tive branch. Cipol­lone will claim attor­ney client priv­i­lege. When Trump became pres­i­dent, Trump was the exec­u­tive branch.
They are try­ing to turn the par­ty and the peo­ple into a cer­tain direc­tion with Jan­u­ary 6. The real coup is what they did to Don­ald J Trump, an Amer­i­can Pres­i­dent.

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