Home / News / Lori talks about remembering a hero and the problems at the border

Lori talks about remembering a hero and the problems at the border

Pay trib­ute to all things patri­ot­ic. Sad to report that one of our WW2 heroes has passed away. Woody Williams, last liv­ing Medal of Hon­or recip­i­ent from WW2. This is what a hero looks like.
53 now dead in TX from the trac­tor trail­er found with immi­grants ear­li­er in the week. This was pre­ventable if Biden would ful­ly fund the bor­der patrol and untie their hands, in addi­tion to build­ing the wall. The trac­tor trail­er went through a bor­der check­point. The truck was hijacked and had fake ID num­bers. The risk is worth the reward for migrat­ing to the US with the help from Amer­i­cans. The mind bog­gling thing is when the democ­rats thought there were whips being used against the migrants they were on the bor­der imme­di­ate­ly. Yet then it is a mass death from human traf­fick­ing they have turned their head the oth­er way. Hop­ing that when these immi­grants come in and rec­og­nize which par­ty actu­al­ly cares for them or the par­ty that uses them.

There is enough fen­tanyl in the Unit­ed States to kill mil­lions of peo­ple. The DAs and AGs are turn­ing a blinds eye to these drug deal­ers get­ting just traf­fic tick­ets for deal­ing. They dont care that fen­tanyl is com­ing in across the bor­der, being lac­ing with all sorts of street drugs and being sold through these drug deal­ers. What the admin­is­tra­tion should be doing is send­ing out the plans on how to defeat and hold back the drugs com­ing across our bor­ders but what they are more wor­ried about is the move­ment Trump start­ed. They think that if they can destroy Trump, who will the con­ser­v­a­tive peo­ple fol­low? Whether or not Trump is out in front, we know how to pave the way. We are enough, we have to remem­ber that.

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