Home / News / Lori talks about the crime around us, shooting attempt in Richmond, stabbing in NYC and more

Lori talks about the crime around us, shooting attempt in Richmond, stabbing in NYC and more

We have been hear­ing that inan­i­mate objects are the root of the caus­es of our prob­lems and not man.

We hear about the shoot­ing in High­land Park but we dont hear about the shoot­ing that did not hap­pen in Rich­mond VA. Why arent we hear­ing about it? The plans of the shoot­ing were report­ed to the local police by a per­son that over­heard the plans by the ille­gal aliens to kill Amer­i­cans on a Fourth of July cel­e­bra­tion. The ille­gal aliens obtained guns in Rich­mond VA, one of the areas with the strictest gun laws.
We are still hav­ing thou­sands cross­ing the bor­der dai­ly. Gov Abbott is try­ing to pass leg­is­la­tion to be able to send the ille­gal aliens back to Mex­i­co when caught at the bor­der.

The stab­bing in the bode­ga where the young kid is attack­ing the store atten­dant, an old­er gen­tle­man, over a bag of chips. The girl­friend stabs the store atten­dant 5 times. The store atten­dant gets the knife and kills the young man. The store atten­dant was arrest­ed with $250,000 bail. There was a gofundme page start­ed and the page was shut down because gofundme says it is against pol­i­cy to use the mon­ey raised to get peo­ple out of jail. The DOJ has empow­ered the career crim­i­nals. Thank­ful­ly the loud voic­es in NYC the store atten­dant has been released.

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