Home / News / BKP talks about the MAGA Movement, economy, Kamala Harris and more

BKP talks about the MAGA Movement, economy, Kamala Harris and more

The democ­rats are the par­ty of the rich white elite. And Repub­li­cans are gain­ing sup­port among the vot­ers and are strug­gling to pay the bills and may not have the mon­ey to pass along to cam­paigns. Many of the fundrais­ing emails are claim­ing that they are los­ing and you open the email and it states that they are los­ing in the fundrais­ing, may not be the best way to go about rais­ing mon­ey. Trump endorsed Dr. Oz says the MAGA Move­ment is dying is the line of the fundrais­ing push. MAGA Move­ment is not dying, it is alive and well.

Baby For­mu­la, liv­ing in Joe Bidens Amer­i­ca. More than 20% of for­mu­las are still out of stock. Biden announces his 17th inter­na­tion­al deliv­ery. Biden is beg­ging for gas and oil fro the saud­is. He is beg­ging for baby for­mu­la from Ger­many. He is beg­ging for semi­con­duc­tors. Bide­nomics: 66% are cut­ting back on restau­rants and movies. 61% dri­ving less, 33% are using more cred­it cards. 52% think the econ­o­my will get worse.

They want you to believe that Biden picked Kamala Har­ris. Har­ris com­pares the end of Roe v Wade to slav­ery. She wants venn dia­grams on the states on restrict­ing abor­tion and right to vote.

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