Home / News / BKP talks about the parents uprise in Uvalde, more details on Indiana mall shooting, and more

BKP talks about the parents uprise in Uvalde, more details on Indiana mall shooting, and more

Moth­ers are still strug­gling to find baby for­mu­la on the shelves.

The par­ents of Uvalde are ask­ing for Police Chief Arredon­dos res­ig­na­tion. Give the ulti­ma­tum to fire Arredon­do, if not they want the res­ig­na­tion of every­one on the board because you dont give a damn about our chil­dren, one of the par­ents said from the podi­um. 376 offi­cers, includ­ing 240 state and fed­er­al agents train­ing in respond­ing to mass shoot­ings, arrived out­side the school before the shoot­er was killed and stopped.

The Good Samar­i­tan, 22, who brought down an Indi­ana mall shoot­er with his own hand­gun while shop­ping with his girl­friend. Jonathan Sapir­man, 20, is the gun­man respon­si­ble for killing 3 at the Green­wood Park Mall in Indi­ana. He was not wait­ing for the police to show up to pro­tect him­self, his girl­friend and oth­ers. He took mat­ters into his own hands to elim­i­nate the gun­man before it got worse. The good samar­i­tan defend­ed every­one in the mall.

What if the teach­ers had guns? Until you iden­ti­fy that schools in Amer­i­ca have devel­oped their own gov­ern­ment with­in the grounds, and remove the gun free zones, will any­thing change to pro­tect the lives of chil­dren.

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