Home / News / Lori talks about government provoking the people, the vaccines, the radical agenda, and more

Lori talks about government provoking the people, the vaccines, the radical agenda, and more

We antic­i­pate the sec­ond quar­ter num­bers to be low­er than expect­ed. The admin­is­tra­tion does not have the will of the peo­ple in mind. Many of us are in an econ­o­my we have nev­er dealt with before. The US is not the only coun­try that is strug­gling. The increased ener­gy cri­sis across the globe. There are so many pro­gres­sives try­ing to turn Amer­i­ca into Sri Lan­ka. There is unrest in Pana­ma being report­ed this week­end. The gov­ern­ment is pro­vok­ing the peo­ple. Over­whelm­ing­ly from coun­try to coun­try it is the peo­ple vs the gov­ern­ment. In order for the gov­ern­ment to be big­ger the peo­ple have less pow­er. As the peo­ple give a lit­tle more to the gov­ern­ment they gain more pow­er and will not give it back to the peo­ple. When we relin­quish pow­er to the gov­ern­ment we for­get that the con­sti­tu­tion gives us the pow­er.

The peo­ple that have shoved down the peo­ple of the world the impor­tance of the vac­cine and the pro­tec­tion the vac­cine gives you against the virus. Yet they are all get­ting COVID despite hav­ing the vac­cine. The unvac­ci­nat­ed are the ones that pose the threat.

They are per­fect­ly fine with destroy­ing peo­ple along the way to push the rad­i­cal agen­da. The lib­er­als feel that they are so much high­er and they dont feel they have to explain what they are doing and why. The rad­i­cal left are ok to invoke fear and harass their polit­i­cal oppo­nents by releas­ing infor­ma­tion about where their kids go to school and where they wor­ship.

The democ­rats are flee­ing to the red areas in record num­bers while say­ing how much they hate the free­doms red states hold dear.

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