Home / News / BKP and Lori talk about governments and our kids, american families, border and more

BKP and Lori talk about governments and our kids, american families, border and more

110 cas­es of mon­key­pox in GA, most of the cas­es are in Atlanta. 1972 cas­es nation­wide.

Gwin­nett coun­ties is still want­i­ng to mask up. There are peace­ful protests where the teach­ers are stand­ing up as the only school that is hav­ing to mask up.

Most Amer­i­can’s get to the oth­er side of the cri­sis and real­ize that it was­nt as bad as it was believed to be.

Go and look at the kids between 1–3 years old that their motor skills and their speech not where it needs to be. And many kids at 3 in speech ther­a­py. That is one of the many things that we let the gov­ern­ment do to our chil­dren.

It was not long ago that if you did­nt lis­ten to those in charge you would be thrown off the plane or pub­licly crit­i­cized.

In the 50s and 60s where the fam­i­ly unit in black Amer­i­ca there were both par­ents in the home. It was­nt until the gov­ern­ment con­vinced the black women to mar­ry the gov­ern­ment instead of the men. The sin­gle mom perks mar­ried to the gov­ern­ment.

500K got­aways, that is an esti­mat­ed num­ber. When you see 1.5 mil­lion are here are the ones that are processed, they are let­ting them go into the coun­try. Half mil­lion not in that num­ber and not processed and they are in the coun­try.

How many peo­ple talk about Joe being checked out?

How many dis­cus­sions do you have dur­ing the week, won­der­ing how they will get Joe out? When is it going to be and are we going to regret the result.

Way to go Burt Jones had the guts to stand up against Fani Willis in Ful­ton Co

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