Home / News / BKP talks about the democrat exit plan of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

BKP talks about the democrat exit plan of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris


Joe has checked out. Trump had no courage on Jan 6. The prob­lem peo­ple see or bring up is we can’t have Har­ris as pres­i­dent. We know that the repub­li­cans are going to get the House and hope to get the Sen­ate. That the media is try­ing to main­tain the Sen­ate for the democ­rats. And after the midterms it will be anoth­er 2 years after the midterms it will be time to look into Hunter Biden. They have every­thing set to look into it. But they can’t leave Har­ris there as VP. 

The Hunter Biden reports are all out in the open, a DOJ whistle­blow­er is ready to blow the lid on a scheme to bury neg­a­tive infor­ma­tion about Hunter Biden by FBI offi­cials. This is why Joe has to leave and they have to stop Don­ald Trump. 

Biden is in trou­ble. If repub­li­cans gain con­trol of the House and Sen­ate there is prison on the way for some of them. They are going to offer Joe an out for the Biden’s. Democ­rats are not that con­cerned about the red wave because they play a long game. They know that even­tu­al­ly the democ­rats will be in the House and Sen­ate because it has hap­pened before. 

The MSM is start­ing to turn on Joe. There is always a plan. The media has seen the light. They are turn­ing the tables in the way they are sup­posed to in order to turn the pub­lic think­ing. They are report­ing neg­a­tives on Joe and Kamala. The deep state is say­ing they have every­thing ready to go. 

Don’t know if Kamala is stoned 7 days a week. She has to know that she is out. Is she going to be stub­born? She is going to say that you have to make this deal sweet or she will stick around. 

How does Gavin New­som become pres­i­dent of the US and nev­er run for office, it can be done and it has been done. So Kamala Har­ris resigns and Gavin New­som is appoint­ed as VP. 90 days lat­er Joe resigns, New­som is pres­i­dent. New­som gives par­don to Biden’s and appoints the vice president. 

It hap­pened before. Nixon and Agnew. Agnew resigns, picks Ger­ald Ford. Nixon resigns, Ford is pres­i­dent. Ford gives par­don to Nixon. 

What if New­som picks Stacey Abrams as his Vice President. 

If repub­li­cans win the House and the Sen­ate. Keep in mind. Trump would be 78 when he runs in 2024. Could he run against Newsom? 

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