Home / News / Lori talks about local events, economy, border, shooter in TX, and more

Lori talks about local events, economy, border, shooter in TX, and more


A cou­ple of upcom­ing local events. Her­schel Walk­er will be on Fox and Friends in Gainesville at Long Street Caffe with Bri­an Kilmeade tomor­row morn­ing bright and early. 

Kemp will be in Toc­coa next week on Thurs­day at 10am. 

The his­toric Ritz The­ater in Toc­coa is one of the top ten the­aters in the state of Georgia. 

A Banks Coun­ty man was shot pro­tect­ing his wife. 2 arrests have been made, sus­pects are in their ear­ly 20s. The 68 year old man is recov­er­ing from his injuries. 

As our econ­o­my wors­ens and infla­tion ris­es, crime will increase. 

In Texas, a shoot­er at Love Air­port. Female shoot­ers are rare. The motive is still unclear. Shoot­er gets dropped off at the air­port and she goes into the restroom and changes into hootie. Comes out of the restroom and starts shoot­ing ran­dom­ly. Offi­cer in the area engaged with the sus­pect and took her down in the low­er extrem­i­ties. No one was injured except the shooter. 

The bor­der is going to affect this elec­tion. In Texas there are 3 seats at best guess, there will be 3 his­pan­ic born repub­li­can women will win demo­c­rat seats. We are see­ing the bru­tal­i­ties of the chil­dren at the bor­der and the his­pan­ics are angry. Reports are show­ing half mil­lion got­aways and we don’t know where they are. Offi­cials clos­er to the bor­der say the num­ber is wrong and more like a mil­lion got­aways. With increas­ing ques­tions to the admin­is­tra­tion, the pres­i­dent comes out say­ing we need to give them all id cards. No pos­si­ble elec­tion fraud can hap­pen from that. 

The his­pan­ics are going to Flori­da because they are look­ing at his poli­cies on crime, schools. The last thing they want is to move to anoth­er loca­tion like the place they left. The ones that are here that are want­i­ng a bet­ter life are going to Flori­da because they want to be safe. 

Trump may or may not run, but he has things set in place that if he backs a can­di­date the plan and poli­cies will still be executed. 

The WHO is now declar­ing mon­key pox as the next big thing to word about. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are say­ing fool me once not gonna get me again. 

The pres­i­dent com­ing out not talk­ing about the infla­tion, reces­sion, and the num­bers that are com­ing out that are alarm­ing, he comes out talk­ing about Trump. There are peo­ple that are hurt­ing and all he can talk about is Jan6. 

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