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BKP talks about property taxes and assessments

Prop­er­ty Tax: There is no way that your coun­ty offi­cials, your state offi­cials (depart­ment of rev­enue) that did­nt not real­ize assess­ments would be high­er than real­i­ty. They all knew that assess­ments would be high­er than real­i­ty. Your prop­er­ty assess­ment is so you as col­lat­er­al can be more valu­able to the state for bond pur­chase.

They take the assess­ments across the coun­ty to deter­mine the val­ue of the coun­ty. There are very strict rules on assess­ments. They take the data to the bond­hold­er to get the mon­ey to build things. All coun­ty and state offi­cials know your prop­er­ty tax­es are based on false num­bers. If they real­ly cared about you, they would­nt have sent the check back to you. They would have said they want to pro­tect the prop­er­ty own­ers. The assess­ments in 2008 had the same thing with high assess­ments then took a nose­dive. They have to take in as much as they can so that in the next 3 years they can sus­tain their high bud­gets while prop­er­ty tax­es take anoth­er fall.

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