Home / News / ASK THE DOC: Treated Melanomas & referral to eye doc and breast cancer & hertu drug

ASK THE DOC: Treated Melanomas & referral to eye doc and breast cancer & hertu drug


Ques­tion 1: Patient is 65 years old and has been treat­ed for malig­nant melanomas in the last 9 months. Why is the oncol­o­gist refer­ring her to get an eye exam? 

Ques­tion 2: Patient has had breast can­cer years ago with a recur­rence in 2001. The skin from the breast bone to below the rib cage is bulky and warm but doesn’t show up on a PET scan­ning. The oncol­o­gist has men­tioned a her­tu com­bo drug, can you give your thoughts? 

Study on the long term ill­ness­es from COVID. Small par­ti­cles of the COVID virus can get into cells and induce an immune response that will last beyond the life of that infec­tion. That is where the great deal of the argu­ment between the vac­cine and the old vac­cines. We don’t have the long term effects of what has hap­pened. This small par­ti­cle is acti­vat­ing some oth­er virus­es that have been asleep in your body for 50 years. None of us know the real answer and there were some that came out act­ing like they knew. The CDC has come out say­ing that they need to rebuild the CDC. The stuff that was uneth­i­cal will be exposed. The doors are get­ting opened and lights are being turned on. What we went through is not enough to say Uh-oh. 

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