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Who’s Responsible for what the did to our kids?

Yes­ter­day we talked about the kids that nev­er showed up for school. More than a mil­lion stu­dents nev­er showed up last year. We do not have the time to thor­ough­ly detail Social Emo­tion­al Learn­ing. They will tell you that the kids dont have the right social skills or emo­tion­al skills and our gov­ern­ment will always be there for your kids but they need mon­ey.

Edu­ca­tors con­fronting severe learn­ing loss in stu­dents. Why now? School is now in ses­sions. This is a nar­ra­tive that is set up and chore­o­graphed. It was set up last month as the report about teacher short­ages. Now the kids are back in school and the stu­dents arent test­ing high enough with declines in read­ing and math. This will help the gov­ern­ment a chance to come in to get the kids’ brains right. Who did­nt see this com­ing?

Now it is not just what they did to our chil­dren, it is what they want to do to fix the prob­lem. It will take recov­ery time and invest­ment to fix the prob­lem. The democ­rats cre­ate the prob­lems so they can come in and fix it. They will nev­er talk about who is respon­si­ble.

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