Home / Shows / Biden Sends $55 Billion to Africa in Reparations

Biden Sends $55 Billion to Africa in Reparations

Yes­ter­day Biden invit­ed African lead­ers to the white house and offered them $55 bil­lion dol­lars in repa­ra­tions. Africa is gone for now, it is in the hands of the chi­nese. Isis is run­ning ram­pant in Africa. Joe wants to atone for our sins with $55 bil­lion. We just throw it in and the lead­ers and war­lords and they take off the top and shuf­fle the mon­ey to the list and then it is gone. And every damn thing cant be Trump’s fault. They cant give a sin­gle report with­out blam­ing it on Trump. Do your research on the African Belt and Road Ini­tia­tive. They import­ed Chi­nese peo­ple to Africa and built the roads, pow­er plants, schools, fac­to­ries, etc and changed the econ­o­my in the coun­try.

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