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Election Day in House District 7

Watch Par­ty tonight at 7pm to watch the results come in.

Polls are open from 7am to 7pm. AS soon as the coun­ty uploads the results it will be on the Sec­re­tary of State’s office will have the results post­ed in real time on their web­site.

There are five can­di­dates in the race. BKP read the post from Fred on social media. Vot­ers were con­tact­ing BKP dur­ing the cam­paign about why was­nt any­one talk­ing about the cor­rup­tion tak­ing place.

BKP tried to stay with the issues of the cam­paign, while the media was focus­ing on a smear cam­paign against Bri­an. Not an arti­cle writ­ten about the car­tels in the area, or ask­ing Sheree what she means when she men­tions men­tal health. Not one media out­let attend­ed the forum and wrote an arti­cle or at the can­di­date night in Fan­nin coun­ty.

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