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If Truth Wins The Day And The Hard Work Involved Wins The Day, We Will Be Fine

If Truth wins the day and the hard work involved wins the day, we will be fine. But if mon­ey and the cor­rup­tion of mon­ey is involved it will pre­vail.

BKP will be ok at the end of the day. He appre­ci­ates the out­pour­ing of love and sup­port from vot­ers that gave all they can.

The court sys­tems are so backed up they can only pros­e­cute jail cas­es. While AG Chris Carr chose to weaponize their office to change the out­come of an elec­tion. They went after BKP the Fri­day before qual­i­fy­ing. They have sched­uled the Fan­nin coun­ty cour­t­house and are going to bring in a judge to hear a friv­o­lous case. The AJC wrote an attack arti­cle on BKP and it went viral because some­one put mon­ey behind it to go viral. All the local rags con­tin­ued to write arti­cles on BKP. BKP los­es sup­port due to the arti­cles over lies.

IF BKP would not have put the pres­sure on to get a debate there would not have been an issue dis­cussed dur­ing the cam­paign. Sheree wants to put coun­cilors in police cars. But the way to get a han­dle on the men­tal health prob­lem is con­trol the drug issues. And get the meth heads out of the hos­pi­tal beds and then the peo­ple who real­ly have men­tal issues will have a bed. There arent any arti­cles in any of the news­pa­pers to talk about the issues. Not a reporter attend­ed either forum. Once the attack sto­ries came, Sheree poured thou­sands of dol­lars that would say some­thing like does BKP pay his bills? Paid for by Sheree Ral­ston.

Our POS of the day has sin­gle hand­ed­ly destroyed the Gilmer Coun­ty GOP. First and fore­most the meet­ings need to move to a place where every­one can attend and out of a bar. Now that he is out we need to do every­thing we can to change the loca­tion and rebuild the par­ty.

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