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We Don’t Care About The Documents

  • There has not been a fed­er­al ground­ing. FAA grounds all US flights due to sys­tem out­age. The Notice to Air Sys­tem in the entire coun­try is down. It is expect­ed to be back up and run­ning by 9am. 
  • Remem­ber the trans­porta­tion sec­re­tary, we know he has been focus­ing on the low bridges and work­ing on the top pri­or­i­ties in the coun­try on the trans­porta­tion bill that was going to bring our air­ports, roads, and bridges up today. Yet they are work­ing on a dat­ed NOTAM system. 
  • BKP went to the Pick­ens Coun­ty GOP meet­ing. Over the past week­end we have the free­dom cau­cus mem­bers that were vot­ing against Kevin McCarthy. Bar­ry Lou­d­er­milk is the con­gress­man in Pick­ens. He is on the free­dom cau­cus, yet he has been on the We love Kevin McCarthy band­wag­on. Pick­ens is a very con­ser­v­a­tive coun­ty. The GOP chair went to Lou­d­er­milk rep­re­sen­ta­tive and asked him to ask Bar­ry when he is going to start vot­ing like he belongs to the Free­dom Cau­cus. We are going to see some major changes in the GOP nation­al and state level. 
  • We don’t care about the doc­u­ments. Just want to add that Joe Biden has added to what he is ille­gal­ly involved in. This will be Joe Biden’s defense in all accu­sa­tions. Biden says he was “sur­prised” to learn gov­ern­ment docs were found at his for­mer office. Biden is always sur­prised. There isn’t a par­al­lel between Trump and Biden. The doc­u­ments are a smoke screen on what is hap­pen­ing and about to hap­pen in this country. 
  • You have to pay atten­tion to what is hap­pen­ing in Brazil and how they are going to com­pare it to what hap­pened on J6. 
  • Biden WH hound­ed Face­book to cen­sor Tuck­er Carl­son, new emails show. 
  • We are true part­ners, Biden says after meet­ing with US neigh­bors. MX pres­i­dent is dis­ap­point­ed in the US invest­ments in MX. Here is what hap­pened in Mex­i­co the Mex­i­can Pres­i­dent said to Joe, “what do I have to do to get in on the Ukraine mon­ey scam you got going on. What will you send me if I send out a state­ment, Joe Biden is real­ly work­ing on the migrant cri­sis and we are going to help.” This is what hap­pened in the last 2 days and we will have all this coop­er­a­tion from the Mex­i­can government. 
  • George San­tos lies about every­thing. Demo­c­ra­t­ic law­mak­ers seek a House Ethics com­mit­tee probe into George San­tos over finan­cial dis­clo­sures. Quick­ly becom­ing a favorite because of the attacks from the dra­ma media. 
  • Kevin McCarthy gets a plus. McCarthy con­firms the house pan­el to boot Schiff, Swal­well and Omar from house com­mit­tees in pay­back for oust­ing Gosar and MTG from com­mit­tees dur­ing the last Congress. 
  • Things are fired up under the Gold Dome and Kemp Mar­ty and the girls are back to get the leg­isla­tive ses­sion start­ed. We have to watch the new legislation. 
  • Fed­er­al judge orders Stacey Abrams group to reim­burse GA $230K for spu­ri­ous elec­tion lawsuit. 
  • If this per­son was a demo­c­rat there would be a dance par­ty at the white house. Yes­ter­day Sarah Huck­abee Sanders became the first female gov­er­nor of Arkansas. 
  • The AG of MO, Andrew Bai­ley was sworn in yes­ter­day. He is hot with the release of emails show­ing the weaponiza­tion of Biden admin­is­tra­tion and Big Tech.


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