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Are They Trying to Kill Two Birds with One Stone?

  • Egg smug­gling is now a thing com­ing across the bor­der.
  • Lay­offs spread in big tech. You are hear­ing of thou­sands of lay­offs com­ing. What you will hear them say is the hir­ing dur­ing covid and the cash is gone. They no longer have the tril­lions of covid mon­ey and now the firms have to get rid of peo­ple. This is a direct result of the covid stim­u­lus
  • Dra­mat­ic esca­la­tion on the net­works yes­ter­day. No one does a report on the doc­u­ments that have been found late­ly on Biden and when they do report there is always a Trump com­par­i­son. Biden is an orga­nized crime. FBI search of Biden’s home planned and con­sen­su­al. Remem­ber when the FBI inter­viewed Hillary Clin­ton on July 4 and there was­nt a record­ing. They will not men­tion that these doc­u­ments go back to when Joe was in the Sen­ate and when he was VP.
  • This will come out. Dont believe for one sec­ond that the Secret Ser­vice does­nt know who has vis­it­ed Bidens House over the past 2 years. If you noticed they dont go to camp David. They tried to hide oth­er places.
  • Media is ask­ing if there was real jeop­ardy. They think they can get Biden and Trump at the same time. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Chris Coons men­tions the polit­i­cal impact. Manchin and Durbin also men­tioned it. Is he one the way out? This is the biggest cov­er up since Water­gate. Remem­ber the very first report was a small bur­glary from Water­gate. Biden paid $1million a year as pro­fes­sor at Penn but nev­er taught a class. The Chi­nese poured mil­lions into the school.

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