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The House Says Its Conservative, A Couple of Tests are Coming Down the Pipeline

  • The house will keep their word. The house can do an amaz­ing job on the inves­ti­ga­tions. But once they pass in the house, it will go to the sen­ate and die. The only thing to warn you is to cor­rect the con­fu­sion. That if the house pass­es to end the IRS and pass this and that. They will die in the Sen­ate.
  • The debt ceil­ing, dont wor­ry. But it will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the house to show us how con­ser­v­a­tive they real­ly are. The 2024 fis­cal bud­get is anoth­er item to watch. When you head the house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives has defund­ed some­thing. When the law is signed, all the legal process­es are there. To stop it was dur­ing the bud­get process. So all the things that Nan­cy, Chuck and Mitch passed and are already law. And the last item to watch if the house is real­ly as con­ser­v­a­tive as they say, is any­thing that the sen­ate pass­es.
  • The fair tax plan bill would impose a 30% fed­er­al sales tax on every­thing we buy, gro­ceries, cars, homes, health care, school tuition and lead to a giant tax shift from the well-off to every­one else, this is a lie. It will not hurt the well-off.
  • The shrink­ing mid­dle class in this coun­try is all you con­tin­ue to hear. If you look at the IRS audits sta­tis­ti­cal­ly, the num­ber of audits and who the IRS goes after, it’s the mid­dle class. It isn’t the low­est or the wealth­i­est. The IRS knows that if they go after the wealthy they have to take a team of lawyers and go into a room with anoth­er team of lawyers and a deal is struck after 5 years. The rich go on to play golf and go on. The IRS does­nt go after the low­est class, because there isnt any mon­ey to get. So what is left is the mid­dle class, they dont have the mon­ey to hire an attor­ney. Every­time they tell you the lie that it will hurt the rich, it is a lie.
  • We have Ukrain­ian troops in OK and train­ing them on the weapon sys­tems. We are going to send the weapons to attack Crimea. Crimea was annexed dur­ing the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion. The US will help Ukraine tar­get crimea. $2.5B in mil­i­tary aid for Ukraine. If we go after Crimea, which Rus­sia rec­og­nizes that they are part of Rus­sia, dont trust Biden not to send your kids to world war 3.
  • Dont believe any­thing they tell you on the debt ceil­ing. It will hit until June. US like­ly to heat 31.4T debt lim­it. Now the clas­si­fied doc­u­ments have been pushed off the front page due to the debt lim­it. GOP tying spend­ing cuts to debt ceil­ing agree­ment. House repub­li­cans pre­pare an emer­gency plan for breach­ing the debt lim­it, not true, the plan is already in place for emer­gen­cies. The main­stream media is try­ing to attack repub­li­cans. All the reports are not true.
  • Biden wont announce his 2024 run until after state of the union
  • The dol­lar is near use­less. If you can force the oil trade to be trad­ed in the US dol­lar then it is worth­less.
  • The trea­sury depart­ment has to pri­or­i­tize the pay­ments, that is social secu­ri­ty, medicare, pen­sion.
  • Musk says Biden admin could weaponize fed­er­al agen­cies against twit­ter if trump returns.
  • Aver­age cost of gro­ceries in the US is up over 12%, the aver­age cost of milk in the US is $4.21 a gal­lon. Retail sales fell even fur­ther in 2022. Reces­sion fears are grow­ing despite signs of eas­ing infla­tion. Hol­i­day sales fell short in 2022.

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