Home / News / Weekend News Narratives: Fact Finding Mission to Ukraine, More Biden Docs, Manchin & more

Weekend News Narratives: Fact Finding Mission to Ukraine, More Biden Docs, Manchin & more

  • New Biden Chief of Staff
  • Lind­sey Gra­ham and Blu­men­thall going to Ukraine on a fact find­ing mis­sion. Ger­many pre­pared to let Poland send leop­ard tanks to Ukraine.
  • We have gun vio­lence run­ning across the news. After the shoot­ing in CA with­out any inves­ti­ga­tion.
  • New doc­u­ments that have been found in Joe Bidens house. There is a big dif­fer­ence between Joe Biden doc­u­ments and Don­ald Trump doc­u­ments. There is some­thing going on here so much so that the Water­gate ref­er­ence was men­tioned this week­end.
  • Today is the first day of ear­ly vot­ing in HD7, that for­mer speak­er of the house held. Ads are paid for by the Repub­li­can State Lead­er­ship Com­mit­tee and Geor­gia Inde­pen­dent Expen­di­tures Com­mit­tee. the largest group of Repub­li­can lead­ers„ and we will get into this deep­er lat­er in the show.
  • Last week Gov Bri­an Kemp went to Davos, the WEF. and the estab­lish­ment in GA has blown up the twit­ter feed on what a great job Bri­an Kemp did to bring the con­ser­v­a­tive mes­sage to Davos. You only get invit­ed to Davos for their rea­sons and agen­da not yours. Manchin and Sine­ma are giv­ing the high five over the fil­i­buster. Last year they ran ads on cen­trists. Both of them let the far right down, they played a big role last year. Think of their role and where Joe is at on the doc­u­ments and Manchin and Sine­ma are high fiv­ing each oth­er.
  • Manchin goes on Meet the Press yes­ter­day is he the guy. Joe starts say­ing that he was going to run again. Then doc­u­ments start show­ing up. Manchin goes to Davos with Sine­ma and then Manchin imme­di­ate­ly goes on Meet the Press. Manchin says we have been deal­ing with fun­ny mon­ey and the debt has been going through the roof and now the inter­est is real mon­ey. Infla­tion explodes inter­est rates. The inter­est alone on the debt equals the defense bud­get.
  • The debt ceil­ing was under 5T in 2004. The gov­ern­ment debt to GDP in the US aver­aged 65.2% of GDP from 1940 until 2022 reach­ing an all time high of 129% of GDP in 2022. The fed­er­al reserve knew this was hap­pen­ing. They knew that quan­ti­ta­tive eas­ing was not work­ing all along.
  • West Vir­ginia has only 1 elect­ed offi­cial that is a demo­c­rat. Joe Manchin is the lone demo­c­rat in an all repub­li­can state.
  • Lind­sey Gra­ham with the pen­ta­gon ramp­ing up war in Ukraine

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