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Is Tyre Nichols Being Used To Fit A Narrative?

  • They want to fit a nar­ra­tive. There are 5 offi­cers. Mem­phis dis­bands scor­pi­on task force. They are try­ing to make this into racism. Any­time any­thing hap­pens the deep state has nar­ra­tives they want to fill. This is per­fect tim­ing to fill a nar­ra­tive. If Tyre lives you nev­er hear any­thing about this. He died 3 days after the attack. There is noth­ing new about this in Mem­phis, Chica­go, Atlanta. It just hap­pened that Tyre did­nt live through this one. When Ben­jamin Crump and Al Sharp­ton show up it’s all about the mon­ey. It is unknown why Tyre was pulled over and why the police came to the door so aggres­sive­ly. There are a lot of ques­tions. The 5 offi­cers are part of the scor­pio task force. It is 70% black offi­cers.
  • MPD grant­ed $9.8M to hire new offi­cers as calls to defund police mount. This arti­cle is June 2020. The DOJ will fund the salaries of 50 Mem­phis police depart­ment offi­cers as part of the com­mu­ni­ty ori­ent­ed polic­ing ser­vices hir­ing pro­grams known as COPS. This grant hired 10 vet­er­ans offi­cers to be assigned to the Oper­a­tion Relent­less Pur­suit Task Force.
  • Activists ask MPD for more de-esca­la­tion train­ing, bet­ter men­tal health resources for offi­cers, arti­cle from June 2020. The tax­pay­ers have paid mil­lions for new crime units and men­tal health resources for police offi­cers all across the nation.
  • The con­gres­sion­al black cau­cus call­ing for police reform. The brown and black cit­i­zens are scared to talk to the black and brown offi­cers. There will not be any kind of solu­tion that will come of this. The police depart­ments have mil­lions and mil­lions of dol­lars to han­dle the sit­u­a­tion with Cri­sis Inter­ven­tion teams
  • We are send­ing the tanks. Mike Mini­han pre­dicts that we will be in war with Chi­na by 2025. We cant fight a war on dif­fer­ent fronts and Chi­na knows that.

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