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The Breakdown On The Debt Ceiling Meeting Between Biden And Mccarthy

  • Biden and McCarthy debt ceil­ing meet­ing no deal made but both agree to keep talk­ing. We cant go after McCarthy and we have to start talk­ing to our rep­re­sen­ta­tive. There was a lot of back and forth on the media. When Biden said he would not meet with McCarthy if con­ces­sions were to be made, it was all the­ater. If you believe that what they are report­ing is the truth, you are incor­rect. McCarthy said com­ing togeth­er and com­pro­mise, so you may be upset to hear com­mon ground and com­pro­mise.
  • You are watch­ing this morn­ing that stocks are up this morn­ing because they have cut so many jobs. And Zucker­burg says some­thing to the effect of that face­book will get lean and pro­duc­tive. Face­book shares are going up. But what does that have to do with the debt ceil­ing?
  • The Feds are the own­ers of the stock exchange. The Fed will be in the thick of the debt lim­it mess. The House is the appro­pri­a­tions depart­ment. They have to go to the Fed to explain how to sus­tain the debt. McCarthy may not have all the cards to shut every­thing down. Our gov­ern­ment is in a bind with our lender. They will have to make a pre­sen­ta­tion with the lender. We cant stop rais­ing inter­est rates, the debt inter­est rate is equal to the defense bud­get. So if we look at our lenders (the Fed) and tell them we can only pay the inter­est, the pay­ment will con­tin­ue to rise.
  • McCarthy went into the meet­ing yes­ter­day. He is going in against Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jef­feries, Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell and the depart­ment of Fed­er­al reserves. Biden knows that the fed­er­al reserves are look­ing for some cuts and tight­en­ing some­where. Joe knows he has to make a deal, and Kevin knows they have to make a deal.
  • Jus­tice for Tyre Nichols. The moth­er lost a child that is dev­as­tat­ing. But if you have the fam­i­ly church and pas­tor you are not call­ing Al Sharp­ton to do the funer­al. They are at Tyre funer­al, rehears­ing the par­ents and fam­i­ly mem­bers to say Jus­tice for Tyre and demand­ing the George Floyd Jus­tice and Polic­ing act. The poor guy was beat­en to death by black cops and Al Sharp­ton and Kamala Har­ris swooped in to cap­i­tal­ize on the sit­u­a­tion. We need to know more about Tyre.
  • So there are bad cops, what about bad teach­ers. Why can democ­rats pick and choose their nar­ra­tive?
  • The George Floyd polic­ing act does: bol­ster police account­abil­i­ty, cre­ate a nation­al police mis­con­duct reg­istry, ban no-knock war­rants in fed­er­al drug cas­es, ban choke­holds and carotid holds, pro­hib­it pro­fil­ing based on race and reli­gion, end qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty, make it eas­i­er to pros­e­cute offi­cers accused of mis­con­duct. It is not right that a police offi­cer is released from the job and goes to the next town to get the same job. It also the same when a teacher vio­lates the rules and has a chance to resign instead of crim­i­nal charges, and they are allowed to go to anoth­er loca­tion with the same job. We have school resource offi­cers and admin­is­tra­tors, mak­ing deals on the crime and once the law enforce­ment gets wind of it and the evi­dence is taint­ed that noth­ing comes of the charges. What they are try­ing to do is to make it a nation­al law enforce­ment, and take away any local influ­ence. You cant pass this bill.

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