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Bkp And Jeanne Seaver Talk About Sports Betting In GA

  • The state has been try­ing to legal­ize gam­bling in GA. Jeanne Seaver is on the phone with Moms Against Gam­bling. It has been sev­en years in fight­ing gam­bling in the state of GA. The talk­ing point has been that it is to fund the HOPE schol­ar­ship. SB 57, Geor­gia Sports Bet­ting Integri­ty Act includes horse rac­ing. It is tar­get­ing kids on the phones to gam­ble to get free stuff. No one talks about the crime, sex traf­fick­ing, drugs, etc that comes from gam­bling. Gam­bling preys on the poor. For every dol­lar spent on gam­bling, the state will spend $5 in fight­ing crime, DFCS, etc.
  • For years in GA it has been said that gam­bling is sup­posed to go on the bal­lot, but they have found a loop­hole where the for­mer judge is being paid to write legal opin­ions. You need a 2/3rd vote to get a con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment. Now since the opin­ion has been released they will pass the bill and the gov­er­nor will sign it.
  • Web­site: momsagainstgambling.com

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