Home / Featured Segments / GA Lawmakers PROTECT OUR KIDS!


  • Please con­tact GA law­mak­ers and ask where our bill is pro­tect­ing our chil­dren. There is so much garbage com­ing out of Atlanta. If you have time to look at sports bet­ting, gam­bling, where is our bill pro­tect­ing our chil­dren? The state of GA bud­get is bal­loon­ing out of con­trol and we have repub­li­cans in Atlanta. They will tell you QE2 is ful­ly fund­ed. And the HOPE schol­ar­ship is ful­ly fund­ed. We are increas­ing our bud­get by 1.1B in edu­ca­tion and 300M is only going to increase salaries. Can they break down where the oth­er 800M is going?
  • In OK HB1011, they have the guts to define bio­log­i­cal sex.
  • Matt Walsh tes­ti­fies in favor of the TN bill ban­ning child gen­der muti­la­tion. HB1.
  • This is hap­pen­ing across the coun­try. Where is our bill GA?
  • Will Wade seems like a nice guy. Will Wade spon­sored a 6 page bill the Par­ent Pro­tect­ing Act that is com­plete­ly worth­less. Just to car­ry the water dur­ing the elec­tion. Will Wade has a back­ground in edu­ca­tion. You’re the one that knows all too well what is going on in our school libraries and the pornog­ra­phy in our school libraries. You hear this going on across this coun­try and you post your bible vers­es and prayers, where is Geor­gia’s bill? Where are the law­mak­ers in Geor­gia when you know we are deal­ing with crazy every­where.
  • We have laws about tat­toos, smok­ing, and drink­ing for our kids.

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