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The State Of Delusion Is Joes Opportunity To Finish The Job

  • The State of Delu­sion.
  • The state of the union no mat­ter how angry you are and how delu­sion­al Joe is. It is his oppor­tu­ni­ty for him to fin­ish the job. Think about every time Joe and the lib­er­al say full faith in cred­it and look at the debt. Although a lot of this debt is under Trump. Pelosi found a way to spend tril­lions of dol­lars.
  • Joe is now the great uni­fi­er. SS and Medicare cant be off the table. There is only one way to sus­tain ss and medicare and pay the debt, it is to take the wealthy seniors and your 401K.
  • One of the biggest lies is that he cut deficit spend­ing. He has cut noth­ing. This guy spent $6T in 2 years. The demo­c­rat con­gress that he brags raised the debt ceil­ing.
  • A lot of com­pa­nies have added fees to com­bat infla­tion. Biden tout­ing the Junk Fee Bill.
  • Pow­ell Slow­ing infla­tion will prob­a­bly be bumpy. The rate hikes that they have put in place have only brought infla­tion down by 3. It has to come down 4 more points and it does­nt include food, ener­gy.
  • Jim Jor­dan on Twit­ter files and the weaponiza­tion of our gov­ern­ment.
  • They want you to believe that last night was the launch of Joe Bidens pres­i­den­tial run.

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