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News Of The Day: Israel Events, GA Abortion Law, GA Sine Die: The Bills To Watch

  • Jamie Dimon is to be inter­viewed under oath over deci­sion to retain pedophile Jef­frey Epstein as a client at JP Mor­gan.
  • Dis­tress­ing moment at least 40 migrants are left to burn to death locked behind bars at Mex­i­can deten­tion cen­ter, after inmates set mat­tress­es ablaze to protest depor­ta­tions.
  • It is not going to end nice­ly for Trump, says Chris Christie as he uses first NH vis­it to rail against the for­mer pres­i­dent and says he will decide whether to launch a White House bid by June.
  • Pen­ta­gon chief Lloyd Austin bris­tles as Repub­li­cans hit woke mil­i­tary
  • Israeli Pres­i­dent Netanyahu tweets: My admin­is­tra­tion is com­mit­ted to strength­en­ing democ­ra­cy by restor­ing the prop­er bal­ance between the three branch­es of gov­ern­ment, which we are striv­ing to achieve by a broad con­sen­sus. Israel is a sov­er­eign coun­try which makes its deci­sion by the will of its peo­ple and not based on pres­sures from abroad, includ­ing from the best of friends. Democ­rats have turned on the state of Israel. We have spent a lot of mon­ey there. They are the truest ally in the world and they are the clos­est democ­ra­cy in the world. Biden told him Israeli pres­i­dent he is not wel­come at the White House
  • Cus­tomers tried to with­draw $100B from SVB in a sin­gle day, the day of the shut down. The banks do frac­tion­al bank­ing. They had to keep 20% of the deposits in the bank and can invest the remain­der. Then it was changed to 10%. It is pos­si­ble that dur­ing COVID it was elim­i­nat­ed.
  • Fed­er­al judge orders Pence to tes­ti­fy in spe­cial coun­sel probe inves­ti­gat­ing Trump
  • NY grand jury not expect­ed to vote on pos­si­ble Trump indict­ment this week.
  • Paris France Garbage strike paused as pro­test­ers rage over retire­ment age.
  • His­toric moment: first mus­lim elect­ed as Scot­lands leader
  • Ful­ton Co Com­mis­sion­ers Attack Mex­i­can-Amer­i­can col­league: Per­son­al­ly offend­ing by Your White Priv­i­lege and You Sound Like A Karen will be on the show
  • House repub­li­cans high­light Luzerne Coun­ty PA Vot­er sup­pres­sion in the 2022 midterms. The House repub­li­cans held a hear­ing on Tues­day, high­light­ing the fail­ures of the Luzerne Co PA elec­tion offi­cial in man­ag­ing the local­i­tys 2022 elec­tion.
  • The GA Supreme Court hears argu­ments con­cern­ing the state’s abor­tion law. They are try­ing to pause this law. The GA Supreme Court will soon decide whether the abor­tion law the leg­is­la­ture passed in 2019 should remain in effect or if, as attor­neys for abor­tion providers argued Tues­day, it was ille­gal from the start.
  • Last minute moves set up a tense final leg­isla­tive day. BKP is keep­ing an eye on what is hap­pen­ing and keep­ing in con­tact with those at the cap­i­tal to bring you the lat­est through social media.
  • Mid­night tonight ends the GA leg­isla­tive ses­sion.
  • Hb520: is the most dis­as­trous men­tal health. It is as left lib­er­al as you can get and it is com­ing from repub­li­cans. Many peo­ple thought it was shelved and done for the year. They are try­ing to take pieces of HB520 and put in oth­er bills and hope­ful­ly the sen­ate wont pick up on the lan­guage. HB520 has life. You have to call your sen­a­tors and let them know that you do not sup­port any of the HB520 lan­guage.
  • HB99 is near and dear to Burt Jones’ heart, it is the cer­tifi­cate of need bill. It will allow rur­al com­mu­ni­ties to build hos­pi­tals. By pass­ing the bill it will hurt the Well­Star deal in August but it will help the Burt Jones fam­i­ly in Butts Coun­ty.
  • HB237 the gam­bling bill, the soap box der­by bill that changed into sports bet­ting. That was hijacked in the Sen­ate.
  • BKP talks sports


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