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There Will Be More Attacks On School Because We Will Not Address The Crisis

  • The fight is out there. The media is out there that wants to stoke the fires between Don­ald Trump and Ron DeSan­tis. We are going to clear up some Trump DeSan­tis things this morn­ing. Did Trump save Flori­da?
  • All of a sud­den on social media, the buzz was that it was a trans­gen­der that killed the kids in Nashville. Just as it is not ok to go after the MAGA hat wear­er for vio­lence then it is equal­ly ok to not go after the trans­gen­der with­out all the facts. We love to talk about men­tal ill­ness in this coun­try now instead of get­ting the facts. Yes we know that the media will go after and run noth­ing but extrem­ists if there was a trump post on the indi­vid­u­als social media. There is a major prob­lem in this coun­try and we have ramped it up into high gear. We have Hol­ly­wood that push­es every agen­da pos­si­ble. There isnt any way for a fam­i­ly to come togeth­er to watch a fam­i­ly film with­out an agen­da. Media and Hol­ly­wood, the evils, have decid­ed to social engi­neer us to the way they think. If your chil­dren are part of the research, what you dont want to be is part of the case study.
  • There will be more in the future because we will not address the cri­sis in the coun­try. We will not address the fab­ric in this coun­try because of the demon­ic politi­cians in this coun­try.
  • 63% are in favor of stricter gun con­trol. 88 dem, 60 ind, 37 rep
  • Biden calls on Con­gress to pass an assault weapons ban. Even with majori­ties in both hous­es of Con­gress dur­ing Mr.s Bidens first two years in office, Democ­rats were unable to pass a ban, and any effort now would be all but cer­tain to die in the Repub­li­can-con­trolled House. That has left Mr. Biden with few options but the bul­ly pul­pit.
  • Repub­li­cans are not the rea­son why this hap­pened yes­ter­day. No mat­ter if the repub­li­cans have con­trol of any leg­isla­tive body in amer­i­ca, they did not cause this to hap­pen
  • Ten­nessees law on per­mit­less car­ry, an adult 21 or old­er can car­ry a hand­gun open­ly or con­cealed in TN with­out a per­mit.
  • At no time do they refer to the con­sti­tu­tion. You have to keep up with per­mit­less car­ry. We are in a time in this coun­try where per­mits encap­su­lat­ed every­thing this gov­ern­ment wants to do to you and I. There are com­mu­ni­ties that want you to get a per­mit to get a shed, to move, to get a car, to do any­thing. It is a mind frame that they have put the Amer­i­can peo­ple in. covid ramped it up. You dont have a per­mit to walk this way. You dont have a per­mit to go in this store.
  • Guns are not the cause of death for chil­dren. It is not guns itself. The media is try­ing to tell Amer­i­ca how they feel today. They try to take emo­tion­al pain and turn it into their agen­da.
  • If chil­dren are ever real­ly worth sav­ing, accord­ing to the dems, gun vio­lence is killing our chil­dren, then why did­nt they do what they need­ed to do when they had con­trol of the house, sen­ate, and white house. Why not make that every leg­is­la­tion if they are real­ly seri­ous in pro­tect­ing your chil­dren? Instead of spend­ing tril­lions of dol­lars on get­ting solar pan­els and wind­mills or get­ting elec­tric vehi­cles and bat­tery plants in this coun­try, why not say our pri­or­i­ties are to pro­tect our chil­dren. Democ­rats will not do what they say is the answer.
  • If you go up this morn­ing think­ing that the demon­ic politi­cians, dis­ney, hol­ly­wood, will pro­tect our chil­dren you are mis­tak­en.
  • We have had pub­lic school shoot­ings, now we have a pri­vate school shoot­ing. Kemp pass­es a bud­get in GA that in the bud­get has increased mon­ey for school safe­ty. You cant leg­is­late moral­i­ty, right and wrong, and behav­ior. Only you and I in Amer­i­ca in our com­mu­ni­ties can take hold of this to change things.

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