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The Deep State is Setting the Narrative for 2024

  • They are try­ing to set up 2024 GOP extrem­ism on Guns and Abor­tion. What kind of can­di­dates will there be in 2024? Will there be estab­lish­ment can­di­dates or extreme can­di­dates? Trump is run­ning in 2024 if he is the nom­i­nee, will they put up Mas­tri­ano or McCormick in PA against Casey.
  • The next shoe to drop. As they are try­ing to end Trump. Texas Judge in abor­tion pill law­suit often rules for con­ser­v­a­tives. What they are upset about is the TX judges rul­ing he spells out why he is against the abor­tion pill and he hap­pens to iden­ti­fy human life. A Trump nom­i­nat­ed judge.
  • Jim Jor­dan going on a road show. Remem­ber he sub­poe­nas Christo­pher Wray. The FBI used under­cov­er agents to tar­get catholic church­es. The media tried to push fed­er­al police as much as they can instead of using the FBI so you hear police. They dont want to talk about weaponiz­ing the FBI.
  • They are scrub­bing the social media account now of the KY shoot­er who kills 5 just as he finds out he is being fired.
  • Jim Jor­dan will be hold­ing a hear­ing in NY. as so many peo­ple are upset that they cant get jus­tice as Bragg releas­es dan­ger­ous felons or mis­de­meanors
  • It is the Biden admin­is­tra­tion that is run­ning in 2024. Not Biden. The Deep State ran against Trump in 2020.
  • Accord­ing to Kir­by, Biden and XI have open com­mu­ni­ca­tion. They are min­i­miz­ing any dis­cus­sions that Biden has with world lead­ers with­out the admin­is­tra­tion involved. They cant afford a Biden gaffe on the phone with world lead­ers.
  • The media is work­ing on the game plan right now Guns and Abor­tion is the cam­paign strat­e­gy in 2024
  • There is anoth­er indict­ment com­ing. Bill Barr him­self said that it is prob­a­bly the doc­u­ments case. It is much like the Bragg leak of the sealed indict­ment. Now you keep hear­ing the next indict­ment is Mar-a-Lago. Amer­i­ca First Legal obtains records from their inves­ti­ga­tion into the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing the Mar-a-Lago raid fur­ther con­firmed that the FBI obtained access to these records through a spe­cial access request from the Biden White House on behalf of the DOJ. It appears that the Biden White House and DOJ coor­di­nat­ed to obtain the records at Pres­i­dent Trump’s home, and per­haps cre­ate a pre­text for the law enforce­ment raid by way of a spe­cial access request. Bidens WH was involved with the Mar-a-Lago raid. Amer­i­ca First Legals inves­ti­ga­tion reveals the Biden White House was involved with the Mar-a-Lago raid and that NARA mis­led con­gress, and the AFL launch­es addi­tion­al inves­ti­ga­tion. Go find AFL on their inves­ti­ga­tion of the raid. This is anoth­er indict­ment com­ing down on Trump.
  • EPA to pro­pose auto emis­sions lim­its in the new EV adop­tion dri­ve. NY Times reports the reg­u­la­tions would effec­tive­ly require elec­tric vehi­cles to account for 54% to 60% of new cars sales by 2030 and 64–67% in 2032.
  • South Korea is very upset over the Biden Pen­ta­gon leak. It is out there that South Korea pushed back and did­n’t want to get involved in Ukraine. White House admits we dont know if Pen­ta­gon leak is con­tained and warns PRESS not to report on clas­si­fied files; John Kir­by says top secret Ukraine files have no busi­ness on news­pa­per and TV after mas­sive breach. In North Kore­as crosshairs: Dic­ta­tor Kim Jong-un reviews front­line attack plans on South Korea after call­ing for expan­sion of his nuclear arse­nal amid region­al ten­sions.
  • Trump tried to get Zelen­sky and Putin to sit down. Biden nev­er did that, he just want­ed to get back into war. We know that Ukraine is a laun­dro­mat.

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