Home / News / Establishment In GA Is All In On Narrative: Trump Cant Win The General

Establishment In GA Is All In On Narrative: Trump Cant Win The General

  • What is going on now we are ask­ing if it is real.
  • Trump to appear at CNN town hall in New Hamp­shire. CNN This Morn­ing anchor Kait­lan Collins will mod­er­ate the event at St. Anselm Col­lege, which will air at 9pm ET on May 10 and will fea­ture the for­mer pres­i­dent tak­ing ques­tions from New Hamp­shire Repub­li­cans and unde­clared vot­ers who plan to vote in the 2024 GOP pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry. This will be Trump’s first appear­ance on CNN since the 2016 pres­i­den­tial cam­paign.
  • Let’s wait before we put Kennedy on the Trump tick­et. Now we real­ly need to take the bite and restore our free­dom. The worst thing that could hap­pen is if Joe Biden got re-elect­ed.
  • Poll shows DeSan­tis fares bet­ter than Trump against Biden in GA. Ron DeSan­tis went to 5 nations and did­nt woo any­one. Just took a lot of pic­tures to get for­eign pol­i­cy cred­its. But this will be what the estab­lish­ment will do to feed the AJC. In GA, DeSan­tis finds an enthu­si­as­tic GOP recep­tion. They wer­ent there to rehash the clam­orous finale of the leg­isla­tive ses­sion. They were enthu­si­as­tic atten­dees of a closed door meet­ing with FL Gov Ron DeSan­tis, the pre­sump­tive pres­i­den­tial con­tender in town for a stop on his book tour. Not long ago, it might have been incon­ceiv­able for promi­nent GA repub­li­cans to so eager­ly court an alter­na­tive to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump. Local par­ties fre­quent­ly purge them­selves of nev­er-Trump mem­bers, and many elect­ed offi­cials would only dare crit­i­cize him pri­vate­ly.
  • This is so you can think that DeSan­tis is going to do bet­ter against Biden. Remem­ber we have to have Trump cant win the gen­er­al elec­tion. The GA repub­li­cans under the gold dome are work­ing on the plan against Trump.
  • RNC chair says GOP 2024 can­di­dates must address abor­tion issue head on. Ron­na McDaniel said Sun­day GOP 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion can­di­dates must direct­ly address the issue of abor­tion.
  • The Green Ener­gy indus­try admits it needs cheap Chi­nese goods to sur­vive. Indus­try lead­ers in pan­ic as Con­gress push­es to impose tar­iffs on Chi­nese solar pan­els.
  • All of a sud­den we need Russ­ian casu­al­ties. Casu­al­ties of war Ukraine has killed 20K Russ­ian fight­ers in just 5 months as US reveals stun­ning death toll. Ukraine has killed 20K Russ­ian fight­ers and injured rough­ly 80K more since Decem­ber alone, accord­ing to pre­vi­ous­ly clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion the US down­grad­ed on Mon­day.
  • Rupert Mur­doch held secret talks with Zelen­sky before fir­ing Tuck­er Carl­son. Tuck­er fired, he talked about cut­ting fund­ing to Ukraine. Mur­dochs call to Zelen­sky
  • Vivek had the guts to say he would attempt to shut down the FBI and replace it with anoth­er enti­ty if he is elect­ed pres­i­dent. He is very clear when he answers ques­tions.
  • Rep Com­er: The Biden’s think they can get away with the per­fect crime but thats not the case. Com­er crit­i­cizes main­stream medias piti­ful behav­ior
  • There is a writer strike. Hol­ly­wood writ­ers strike over stream­ing pay, AI reg­u­la­tion. WGA pat­tern of demands. Stan­dard­ized com­pen­sa­tion for stream­ing con­tents, address the abus­es of mini-rooms, increase con­tri­bu­tions to pen­sion plan and health fund, reg­u­late use of AI-gen­er­at­ed mate­r­i­al. They are con­cerned they want to reg­u­late AI gen­er­at­ed mate­r­i­al.
  • Mor­gan Stan­ley to cut 3000 Jobs glob­al­ly.

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