Home / Featured Segments / WOW!! What is Raffensperger GA Sec of State Doing in DC with Zuckerberg CEIR?

WOW!! What is Raffensperger GA Sec of State Doing in DC with Zuckerberg CEIR?

  • In the next leg­isla­tive ses­sion we must say 0 out­side mon­ey. The peo­ple need to know what is hap­pen­ing in Geor­gia before the 2024 elec­tion.
  • Elon Musk: Inter­est­ing arti­cle: The 2020 Elec­tion was­nt stolen it was bought by Mark Zucker­berg.
  • GA Gov Bri­an Kemp orga­nizes Bil­lion­aire Bush Clan on Sea Island to Plot State for DeSan­tis, while GA Sec­re­tary of State Brad Raf­fensperg­er meets with Zucker­berg CEIR elec­tion manip­u­la­tion group.
  • Thanks to Lau­ra Loomer inves­ti­ga­tion. Lau­ra Loomer: I am in Wash­ing­ton DC report­ing on a secret elec­tion sum­mit host­ed by CEIR, which is fund­ed by Mark Zucker­berg! I just con­front­ed Elec­tion Offi­cials from Mari­co­pa Coun­ty, AZ and GA and asked them why they were attend­ing this Hyper Par­ti­san Soros tied and Zuck­er­erg fund­ed con­fer­ence to dis­cuss the 2024 elec­tions. They called the police on me.
  • CEIR is George Soros fund­ed and claims they are non-par­ti­san.
  • Sum­mit on Amer­i­can Democ­ra­cy: A con­fer­ence on the cur­rent state of Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy and elec­tions. Atten­dees: Bill Gates (Mari­co­pa Coun­ty, AZ Super­vi­sor; Ryan Ger­many, for­mer Coun­sel GA sec­re­tary of states office; Ben Gins­berg, co-chair elec­tion offi­cial legal defense net­work; Brad Raf­fensper­er, GA sec­re­tary of state.
  • Con­nect­ing Elec­tion Offi­cials with Pro Bono Attor­neys and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als.
  • The peo­ple want to nation­al­ize elec­tion
  • Priscil­la Chan and Mark Zucker­berg increased sup­port for safe and reli­able vot­ing by $19.5 mil­lion. Zucker­berg and wife have put 59 mil­lion into the orga­ni­za­tion. The Cen­ter for Elec­tion Inno­va­tion and Research (CEIR) announced today that Priscil­la Chan and Mark Zucker­berg have com­mit­ted an addi­tion­al $19.5 mil­lion to pro­mote safe and reli­able vot­ing and meet the over­whelm­ing demand for sup­port from states across the coun­try. The lack of pub­lic funds and unique chal­lenges of this year due to COVID have result­ed in sec­re­taries of state in 23 states apply­ing for fund­ing with CEIR — demand that has sur­passed the $50 mil­lion Chan and Zucker­berg com­mit­ted on Sep­tem­ber 1st. This addi­tion­al $19.5 mil­lion com­mit­ment will ensure that every qual­i­fied juris­dic­tion that applies will receive the funds they need to admin­is­ter the elec­tion and ensure that every eli­gi­ble cit­i­zen can vote safe­ly and have their vote count­ed.
  • David Beck­er is the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor and Founder of the non­par­ti­san, non-prof­it Cen­ter for Elec­tion Inno­va­tion and Research, work­ing with elec­tion offi­cials of both pirates, all around the coun­try, to ensure acces­si­ble, secure elec­tions for all eli­gi­ble vot­ers. A key ele­ment of Davids work with CEIR is man­ag­ing the Elec­tion Offi­cial Legal Defense Net­work, pro­vid­ing pro bono legal assis­tance to elec­tion offi­cials who are threat­ened with friv­o­lous crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion, harass­ment, or phys­i­cal vio­lence. Pri­or to found­ing CEIR, David was direc­tor of the elec­tions pro­gram at the Pew Char­i­ta­ble Trusts. Pew Char­i­ta­ble Trusts fund­ed by George Soros Open Soci­ety. As the lead for Pews analy­sis and advo­ca­cy on elec­tions issues, David spear­head­ed devel­op­ment of the Elec­tron­ic Reg­is­tra­tion Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter, or ERIC, which to date has helped a bipar­ti­san group of thir­ty states update over 25 mil­lion out of date vot­er records, and helped those states reg­is­ter tens of mil­lions of new eli­gi­ble vot­ers. Before join­ing Pew, DAvid served for sev­en years as a senior tri­al attor­ney in the Vot­ing sec­tion of the depar­ty of jus­tices Civ­il rights divi­sion, over­see­ing vot­ing rights enforce­ment in sev­er­al states, includ­ing CA and GA and served as lead coun­sel on major vot­ing rights lit­i­ga­tion includ­ing the case of GA v Ashcroft, ulti­mate­ly decid­ed by the US Supreme Court.
  • 9 states have removed them­selves from ERIC.
  • Let­ter in sup­port of the cen­ter for Elec­tion Infor­ma­tion and research and CEIR exec­u­tive direc­tor David Beck­er. We write as Repub­li­cans and con­ser­v­a­tives, who have worked for elec­tion integri­ty, secu­ri­ty, and the rule of law. Today, elec­tion offi­cials around the coun­tries are bet­ter pro­tect­ing elec­tion integri­ty than ever before, but they and those that work to sup­port them, are besieged by a steady stream of dis­in­for­ma­tion, designed to weak­en our democ­ra­cy and vot­ers con­fi­dence. If you are a repub­li­can you are not trav­el­ing to DC to meet with the likes of Zucker­burg and David Beck­er fund­ed by George Soros. The peo­ple that have signed the let­ter: Jor­dan Fuchs, deputy sec­re­tary of state GA; Brad Raf­fensperg­er, Sec­re­tary of state GA; Gabriel Ster­ling, chief oper­at­ing offi­cer, sec­re­tary of states office GA.
  • ERIC under micro­scope after alle­ga­tions of lib­er­al agen­da. ERIC was the brain­child of the left­ist attor­ney DAvid Beck­er and was orig­i­nal­ly fund­ed by George Soros via the Soros Open Soci­ety and Pew Char­i­ta­ble Trusts in 2012.
  • Elon Musk: Strange that elec­tion offi­cials from piv­otal regions attend­ed a far left con­fer­ence when theyre sup­posed to be impar­tial.
  • David Beck­er: In the last year, efforts by elec­tion deniers to attack ERIC have ramped up, and lies have been spread about me and the work of @ElectionInnov. 26 Repub­li­cans and con­ser­v­a­tives recent­ly wrote in sup­port of the truth and our bipartisan/nonpartisan work. That is a total lie.
  • CEIR Why is Joseph Kirk (Elec­tion super­vi­sor, Bar­tow Co, GA) and Juli­et­ta Hen­ry (Deputy Direc­tor, board of reg­is­tra­tion and elec­tions, DeKalb Co, GA) on their com­mit­tee? Juli­et­ta Hen­ry is list­ed as an advi­so­ry board mem­ber of CEIRs ELODN project. Advi­so­ry board mem­bers are due to attend the secre­tive Sum­mit on Amer­i­can Democ­ra­cy in ear­ly May. Juli­et­ta Hen­ry is from Mil­wau­kee. She is the deputy direc­tor of the board of reg­is­tra­tion and elec­tions in Dekalb coun­ty. Pre­vi­ous­ly serv­ing as the direc­tor of the Mil­wau­kee Coun­ty elec­tion Com­mis­sion. As the direc­tor of elec­tions for the largest coun­ty in the state of Wis­con­sin, she is respon­si­ble for man­ag­ing all elec­tions with­in Mil­wau­kee coun­ty by effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the 19 Munic­i­pal clerks to ensure that the process and imple­men­ta­tion of each elec­tion is fair, equi­table and effi­cient, includ­ing rec­on­cil­i­a­tion and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of elec­tion results. She spear­head­ed a coun­ty-wide com­put­er con­ver­sion project that saved tax­pay­ers mil­lions of dol­lars through her inno­va­tions. She has suc­cess­ful­ly direct­ed recounts for the 2016 and 2020 Pres­i­den­tial elec­tions amid the COVID pan­dem­ic.
  • https://rumble.com/v2l435g-election-operatives-secretly-meeting-at-dc-spy-museum.html
  • Email from the Amer­i­ca First Tea Par­ty: I strong­ly encour­age you to watch the video above that talks about the secret meet­ing orga­nized by CEIR that Geor­gia Sec­re­tary of State Brad Raf­fensperg­er went to this week and who fund­ed it. Like­ly, he went to make sure Zucker­bucks came to GA. When SB2020 passed in 2021, it banned coun­ty elec­tion boards from receiv­ing Zucker­bucks and man­dat­ed any Zucker­bucks like funds go to the State Elec­tion Board to dis­perse to mul­ti­ple coun­ties. There was a big loop­hole that coun­ties found a way to cir­cum­vent SB202 by hav­ing funds go to the Coun­ty gov­ern­ment and they in turn gave Zucker­bucks to the coun­ty elec­tion boards. This year SC222 passed and closed the loop­holes so funds like Zucker­bucks can­not go to local gov­ern­ments to run elec­tions and instead go to the State Elec­tion Board to dis­perse. Even though the State Elec­tion Board is a sep­a­rate enti­ty from the GA Sec­re­tary of States office, I dont know of even ONE instance where they did not agree to what Raf­fensperg­er want­ed not one. He has tremen­dous sway over the State Elec­tion Board. I have no doubt he was at the meet­ing to make sure GA got Zucker­bucks for the 2024 elec­tion. Raf­fensperg­er hates Trump and he wants to run for Gov­er­nor in 2026. I strong­ly believe he will use the mon­ey to try to defeat Trump by giv­ing tons of Zucker­buxk to big demo­c­rat coun­ties to gain favor for 2026.
  • Are they fig­ur­ing out how to divvy out the mon­ey to get it to GA to cor­rupt the 2024 elec­tion.
  • By the way Kemp and Kel­ly are work­ing their deal.

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