Home / News / The Governor of GA is Auditioning for Someone’s VP Pick

The Governor of GA is Auditioning for Someone’s VP Pick

  • The gov­er­nor of GA is audi­tion­ing for some­one VP pick. Won­der if he is audi­tion­ing for Pence’s VP pick. He had to break his silence and attack Don­ald J Trump post on Truth social. One week before the GA con­ven­tion he can­not show up to address the del­e­gates.
  • #rein­vent­the­GAGOP is the repub­li­can social­ist agen­da. Not one can­di­date for chair of the GOP talk about rein­vent­ing the repub­li­can par­ty. Mar­cy has an agen­da. If Mar­cy want­ed to rein­vent the par­ty she should have ran for chair. It is a con­cern that she will not be a team play­er and march­es to the beat of her own drum. She has #BeA­Mar­cy. She told BKP to rest on your lau­rels means that you get lazy or com­pla­cent about what you could achieve because youre too busy bask­ing in the mem­o­ries of for­mer glo­ries. She will not say 2020 was stolen, will not say Trump, and wont say any­thing about Kemp not com­ing to the con­ven­tion.
  • Bri­an Kemp does not have an Amer­i­ca First Agen­da he has a Chi­na First Agen­da. Kemp unloads on Trump. We have the GA GOP con­ven­tion this week­end. Bri­an Kemp will not come to the GA state GOP con­ven­tion and will not speak to the del­e­gates. He is try­ing to over­see the end of the GOP in GA. He wants to rein­vent the GAGOP. He has already made com­ments that the cur­rent GA GOP can no longer exist or be effec­tive. Then you have a can­di­date for first vice chair that is say­ing the same.
  • GA is on the path to become the EV cap­i­tal of the nation. GA the #1 state to do busi­ness because Bri­an Kemp has sold the state to Chi­na. You cant set them up and give them amaz­ing deals for the bat­tery plants and not have a deal with Chi­na.

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