Home / News / They are Betting That Trump Will Disqualify Himself

They are Betting That Trump Will Disqualify Himself

  • CIA bill burns reject­ed Lloyd Austin. The CIA only goes to reset the Chi­na rela­tion­ship. The CIA is let­ting Chi­na know in advance how they would like to end the Ukraine war. The CIA Bill Burns goes to Chi­na.
  • Trump did not go to Iowa. the deep state estab­lish­ment roast and ride
  • GOP debate require­ments. At least 40K in indi­vid­ual donors, polling at least 1%, and sign­ing pledge to sup­port the nom­i­nee.
  • Joe Biden can be beat. The oth­er can­di­dates are look­ing at if Ron DeSan­tis could be beat. They are bet­ting that Trump will do some­thing to dis­qual­i­fy him­self. There is a rea­son why James Comey has resur­faced. Chris Christie is get­ting into bark and scream at Trump. What is con­cern­ing is that some­thing could take Trump out. Comey and Psa­ki joke that Trump could accept his pres­i­den­tial nom­i­na­tion in an ankle mon­i­tor. Comey also said he could see Trump see­ing anoth­er pres­i­den­cy as a shot at ret­ri­bu­tion and an oppor­tu­ni­ty to go at his rivals.

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