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What is Happening with MTG? AJC Normalizing MTG

  • What they are going to tell you. The democ­rats that vot­ed yes on the debt ceil­ing bill. They are telling you that the democ­rats agreed to vote on appro­pri­a­tions indi­vid­u­al­ly. For years there have been omnibus bills. Now what Kevin McCarthy and MTG want to lead you to believe that repub­li­cans have won some­thing. It has yet to be seen.
  • Steve Ban­non is call­ing for a chal­lenger for MTG. He is going after her.
  • Patri­cia Mur­phy wrote an arti­cle nor­mal­iz­ing mtg that will make you scratch your head.
  • There is a new rule that will be vot­ed on at the con­ven­tion. Alex John­son, the pres­i­dent from the GRA, wrote the rule. Work­ing on seg­ment for tomor­row
  • Remem­ber the guy that came out that drove a truck load of bal­lots across the state line. The report con­firms he drove bal­lots from NY to PA in the 2020 elec­tion. Jesse Mor­gan the dri­ver was vin­di­cat­ed.

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