Home / News / Joe Biden Held A Pride Strip Show On The Grounds Of The White House

Joe Biden Held A Pride Strip Show On The Grounds Of The White House

  • Joe Biden held a pride strip show on the grounds of the White House. This has to stop while he is doing this, Teflon Trump, ex pres­i­dent polling num­bers soar to 61%, this is a CBS poll. While the show is going on at the White House, Biden is said to show the mon­ey on the bribery scheme and laughed at the inves­ti­ga­tion. Grass­ley says for­eign nation­al at the cen­ter of Biden bribery alle­ga­tions has record­ings of 17 phone calls with Joe and Hunters that he has kept as insur­ance pol­i­cy. The FD-1023 form alleged­ly proves Pres­i­dent Biden was involved in a $5M crim­i­nal bribery scheme. This is more impor­tant than a pride show at the White House or an indict­ment of a for­mer pres­i­dent over doc­u­ments found in his home.
  • Comey could leak any­thing he want­ed to the NY Times. Any­one in the admin­is­tra­tion could leak stuff to the NY Times at any time. Then they tell us that Don­ald Trump has doc­u­ments in his bath­room. Now the NY Times can get a clas­si­fied doc­u­ment and pub­lish it to the peo­ple. Now we have a 1023 that is unclas­si­fied that Christo­pher Wray will not release. He is mak­ing sure that the peo­ple that are com­ing to see it as if the doc­u­ment is a clas­si­fied doc­u­ment.
  • Christie has played a major role in seat­ing the deep state tighter into admin­is­tra­tion. Christie went to Trump to install Wray. Wray had pre­vi­ous­ly scrubbed evi­dence for Christie on the Bridge­gate inves­ti­ga­tion.
  • Keep this in mind Grass­ley has a lot of pull in Iowa. he his putting it out there that Buris­ma own­er alleged­ly record­ed Biden bride con­vos as insur­ance pol­i­cy
  • Fox sends Tuck­er Carl­son cease and desist let­ter before he is to release his seg­ment on the Trump Indict­ment.

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