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Why is Mike Pence and Chris Christie Getting In The Race?

  • Mike Pence is telling you that he did every­thing good in the admin­is­tra­tion. Pence is going to float out that Trump did­nt want the jus­tices. Pence the evan­gel­i­cal is going to take the Pro-life lap. He is going to tell you that he is the good thing you like about the Trump admin­is­tra­tion. He will tell you that every bad thing is that he did­nt have the author­i­ty to break rank. He was a good sol­dier. Pence is going to be at a town hall on CNN tonight. He will lay some ground­work that he is what you liked about the Trump admin­is­tra­tion. Pence has a resume. Tra­di­tion­al repub­li­can val­ues with Trump era griev­ances. Mike Pence was a tea par­ty favorite in 2010. He caved on the bath­room bill in Indi­ana. He has a resume as con­gress­man, gov­er­nor, and VP.
  • They are excit­ed about Repub­li­cans then they are excit­ed about Trump’s pos­si­ble indict­ment.
  • Chris Christie is to take aim at Trump. He is work­ing with Chris Sununu. He is to stop Trump in NH. His role is to hate Don­ald Trump. And to get you to believe that he knows Don­ald Trump bet­ter than any­one. He is to let you know how bad. They are hop­ing there will be peo­ple that will work to get him on the debate stage to be nasty to Don­ald Trump. The hope is that Trump will start zing­ing towards Christie. They are hop­ing that Don­ald Trump will make a major mis­take. Christie is to push Don­ald Trump’s but­tons to get him to make that mis­take.

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