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Networks Focus On Trump And Not The Hunter Biden Case

  • After a 5‑year fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tion, cout­less man hours and gal­lons of news­pa­per ink split, Amer­i­ca’s least favorite dead­beat dad appears to have received the sweet­est of sweet­heart deals.
  • Remem­ber we have an IRS whistle­blow­er, When I took con­trol of this par­tic­u­lar inves­ti­ga­tion, I imme­di­ate­ly saw devi­a­tions from the nor­mal process, says Gary Shap­ley, a 14-yr vet­er­an of the IRS. It was way out­side the norm of what Ive expe­ri­enced in the past. He was told to slow walk this. Remem­ber ask­ing Why did CBS run this?
  • No perp walk, no cuffs, no press con­fer­ence. Tuck­er Carl­son exco­ri­ates Bidens DOJ over Hunter Bidens sweet­heart plea deal and says a life­time of sins was washed away in an instant. Hunter Biden has reached a deal with pros­e­cu­tors that would see him plead guilty to tax crimes and dis­pense with a gun charge but like­ly avoid jail time.
  • Net­works focus on Trump and not the hunter biden case. In 8 months Jack Smith has been appoint­ed, bud­get, office, staff, put a fed­er­al grand jury togeth­er, sub­poe­na and go through all the box­es. He was able to find our most pre­cious secrets in the box­es and get the indict­ment. Trump will be on tri­al in August. Now in 5 years they could­nt get a clear view on a cou­ple of years of tax records, the IRS could­nt come with a clear num­ber to get this paid off, and could­nt get an agree­ment on a gun charge.
  • Biden calls Xi Jin­ping a dic­ta­tor who was embar­rassed by the spy bal­loon deba­cle Just a day after Antony Blinken met com­mu­nist leader anc called for mutu­al respect.
  • Bei­jing plans a new train­ing facil­i­ty in Cuba, rais­ing the prospect of Chi­nese troops on Amer­i­c­as doorstep.
  • Where the talks between Blinken and Xi talk about the facil­i­ty in Cuba. would this be the same chi­na that built islands in the south chi­na sea.
  • Chi­na and Cuba are nego­ti­at­ing to estab­lish a new joint mil­i­tary train­ing facil­i­ty on the island, spark­ing alarm in Wash­ing­ton that it could lead to the sta­tion­ing of Chi­nese troops and oth­er secu­ri­ty and intel­li­gence oper­a­tions just 100 miles off Flori­das coast, accord­ing to cur­rent and for­mer US offi­cials. Dis­cus­sions for the facil­i­ty on Cubas north­ern coast are at an advanced stage but not con­clud­ed, US intel­li­gence reports sug­gest. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion has con­tact­ed Cuban offi­cials to try to fore­stall the deal, seek­ing to tap into what it thinks might be Cuban con­cerns about ced­ing sov­er­eign­ty. Bei­jings effort to estab­lish a mil­i­tary train­ing facil­i­ty in Cuba has­nt been pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed.

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