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It Is What-Can-We-Make-You-Believe Kind Of Day

  • What can we believe, kind of day!
  • We have had the release of the Hal­der­man report. Then Domin­ion released the MITRE report to com­bat the Hal­der­man report. Brad Raf­fensperg­er is stand­ing by the MITRE report. Kel­ly Loef­fler put out a state­ment to do a patch, which the Hal­der­man report says that the patch will do noth­ing to secure the machines. Kemp has­nt released a state­ment. Burt Jones has released
  • When Fani Willis indicts Trump in Ful­ton Co what is next for elec­tions in GA. GA Sec­re­tary of State Brad Raf­fensperg­er to sit for an inter­view in spe­cial coun­sels 2020 probe with Jack Smith. Brad Raf­fensperg­er has played a major role in defend­ing Domin­ion. No peep out of Kemp. Brad has helped peo­ple try to find Trump guilty of some­thing. So how do we trust any­thing out of this office? From bal­lot stuff­ing, to the machines, to this report it is hard to think that Brad Raf­fensperg­er does­nt know that the elec­tion was stolen. He is doing every­thing he can do to stop Trump in GA. We cant get leaked record­ings of Hunter but man we can find every­thing on Trump.
  • Is the goal for Raf­fensperg­er to low­er the con­fi­dence in vot­ers.
  • Hap­pen­ing Now: House Speak­er Kevin McCarthy announced the House will be launch­ing an impeach­ment inquiry into AG Mer­rick Gar­land for his role in sup­press­ing the Hunter Biden inves­ti­ga­tion. Accord­ing to the IRS Agent Gary Shape­ly his office was con­stant­ly stopped from prop­er­ly inves­ti­gat­ing Hunter and even stopped from doing a search of the Bidens guest house where Hunter stayed and sent the threat­en­ing text to a Chi­nese Com­mu­nist busi­ness­man. 6 oth­er high rank­ing DOJ offi­cials have not cor­rob­o­rat­ed his sto­ry about top offi­cials block­ing them from prop­er­ty inves­ti­gat­ing Hunter.
  • This is where they want to take your atten­tion. Rus­sia drops all charges against Wag­n­er Mer­ce­nary group for insur­rec­tion; CNN obtains tape of Trump talk­ing clas­si­fied docs. Not a sin­gle word about Hunter
  • The GOP has 6 wit­ness­es who can back up claims AG lied about DOJ inter­fer­ence in the Hunter case.
  • What are we going to believe? Some­thing is hap­pen­ing here.
  • Putin lives, los­ing his grip? Rebels on the run. Has Wag­n­er chiefs exile begun? Prigozhins pri­vate plane lands in Belarus after he agreed a deal to aban­don his rebel­lion = as PUtin says the failed coup has made Rus­sia stronger in TV address. If Prigozhin is not pur­ple by this time next week, then that means they were all in on it. Because Putin does not bow up against him and they live to talk about it.
  • Why did Hunter go to Camp David? While Joe was at Camp David he had a con­ver­sa­tion with Zelen­sky, where was Hunter? IRS super­vi­so­ry agent Gary Shap­ley tes­ti­fied to Con­gress that Weiss told him that he was­nt the decid­ing offi­cial on whether charges are filed. Some­thing is play­ing out. Noth­ing to see here

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