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Think About Endless Wars: The Spending On War, Equipment, Rebuilding, Aid

  • Hope fades for miss­ing sub as clock ticks down to 12:08pm when it runs out of oxy­gen: French ves­sel with vital robot to save Titan­ic 5 arrives in crit­i­cal last hours but res­cuers say they hear under­wa­ter bang­ing nois­es but cant locate them.
  • MTG calls Lau­ren Boe­bert a lit­tle B on the House floor: feud between MAGA dar­lings gets pet­ty after copy­cat plans to impeach Biden. Repub­li­cans decide to for­go Biden impeach­ment vote after inter­nal fight­ing. The House will vote today to send Biden impeach­ment res­o­lu­tion to com­mit­tees.
  • US, West pledge bil­lions for Ukraine recon­struc­tion. They are hold­ing a recon­struc­tion sum­mit. Is the war over? Zelen­sky admits slow progress but says offen­sive is not a movie. Ukraine claims notable suc­cess in East, South due to slow but steady counteroffensive.Ukraine recov­ery con­fer­ence con­clud­ed today.
  • Here is your home­work, think about end­less wars. Think about Viet­nam. Think about when we start­ed in Iraq and upend­ed the mid­dle east. Think about the spend­ing on war, mil­i­tary equip­ment, rebuild­ing, and for­eign aid that has not stopped and what have we got­ten out of it? Joe had to get the cash reg­is­ter fired back up for the war­mon­gers.
  • Hunter Biden will appear in court on July 24th in Delaware to face a Trump appoint­ed judge after agree­ing to plead guilty to just two tax crimes. This is white priv­i­lege. Democ­rats scream white priv­i­lege, why arent they say­ing any­thing about this?
  • Chi­na finds two new coro­n­avirus­es lurk­ing in bat­sand claim they both have freak muta­tions to prove COVID was not engi­neered in a lab. Is Chi­na the boss? US Senior offi­cials caught off-guard by Bidens call­ing Xi a dic­ta­tor. Why are we apol­o­giz­ing? They released a state­ment apol­o­giz­ing to Xi. Chi­na embod­ies every­thing that every activist group is against, envi­ron­ment, abor­tion

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